Mini Shell
# This file is part of pysnmp software.
# Copyright (c) 2005-2019, Ilya Etingof <>
# License:
# This is a Python 2.6- version of the same file at level up
from pysnmp.hlapi.asyncore import ntforg
__all__ = ['sendNotification', 'next']
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
def next(iter):
# Synchronous one-liner SNMP Notification Originator application
def sendNotification(snmpEngine, authData, transportTarget, contextData,
notifyType, varBinds, **options):
# noinspection PyShadowingNames
def cbFun(snmpEngine, sendRequestHandle,
errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex,
varBinds, cbCtx):
cbCtx['errorIndication'] = errorIndication
cbCtx['errorStatus'] = errorStatus
cbCtx['errorIndex'] = errorIndex
cbCtx['varBinds'] = varBinds
cbCtx = {}
if varBinds:
ntforg.sendNotification(snmpEngine, authData, transportTarget,
contextData, notifyType, varBinds,
cbFun, cbCtx, options.get('lookupMib', True))
errorIndication = cbCtx.get('errorIndication')
errorStatus = cbCtx.get('errorStatus')
errorIndex = cbCtx.get('errorIndex')
varBinds = cbCtx.get('varBinds', [])
errorIndication = errorStatus = errorIndex = None
varBinds = []
yield errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0