Mini Shell
# This file is part of pysmi software.
# Copyright (c) 2015-2019, Ilya Etingof <>
# License:
# Build an internally used symbol table for each passed MIB.
import sys
from keyword import iskeyword
from pysmi.mibinfo import MibInfo
from pysmi.codegen.base import AbstractCodeGen, dorepr
from pysmi import error
from pysmi import debug
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
unicode = str
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
long = int
class SymtableCodeGen(AbstractCodeGen):
symsTable = {
'MODULE-IDENTITY': ('ModuleIdentity',),
'OBJECT-TYPE': ('MibScalar', 'MibTable', 'MibTableRow', 'MibTableColumn'),
'NOTIFICATION-TYPE': ('NotificationType',),
'TEXTUAL-CONVENTION': ('TextualConvention',),
'MODULE-COMPLIANCE': ('ModuleCompliance',),
'OBJECT-GROUP': ('ObjectGroup',),
'NOTIFICATION-GROUP': ('NotificationGroup',),
'AGENT-CAPABILITIES': ('AgentCapabilities',),
'OBJECT-IDENTITY': ('ObjectIdentity',),
'TRAP-TYPE': ('NotificationType',), # smidump always uses NotificationType
'BITS': ('Bits',),
constImports = {
'SNMPv2-SMI': ('iso',
'Bits', # XXX
'Integer32', # XXX
'TimeTicks', # bug in some IETF MIBs
'Counter32', # bug in some IETF MIBs (e.g. DSA-MIB)
'Counter64', # bug in some MIBs (e.g.A3COM-HUAWEI-LswINF-MIB)
'Gauge32', # bug in some IETF MIBs (e.g. DSA-MIB)
'MibIdentifier'), # OBJECT IDENTIFIER
'SNMPv2-TC': ('DisplayString', 'TEXTUAL-CONVENTION',), # XXX
baseTypes = ['Integer', 'Integer32', 'Bits', 'ObjectIdentifier', 'OctetString']
typeClasses = {
'COUNTER32': 'Counter32',
'COUNTER64': 'Counter64',
'GAUGE32': 'Gauge32',
'INTEGER': 'Integer32', # XXX
'INTEGER32': 'Integer32',
'IPADDRESS': 'IpAddress',
'OBJECT IDENTIFIER': 'ObjectIdentifier',
'OCTET STRING': 'OctetString',
'OPAQUE': 'Opaque',
'TIMETICKS': 'TimeTicks',
'UNSIGNED32': 'Unsigned32',
'Counter': 'Counter32',
'Gauge': 'Gauge32',
'NetworkAddress': 'IpAddress', # RFC1065-SMI, RFC1155-SMI -> SNMPv2-SMI
'nullSpecific': 'zeroDotZero', # RFC1158-MIB -> SNMPv2-SMI
'ipRoutingTable': 'ipRouteTable', # RFC1158-MIB -> RFC1213-MIB
'snmpEnableAuthTraps': 'snmpEnableAuthenTraps' # RFC1158-MIB -> SNMPv2-MIB
ifTextStr = 'if mibBuilder.loadTexts: '
indent = ' ' * 4
fakeidx = 1000 # starting index for fake symbols
def __init__(self):
self._rows = set()
self._cols = {} # k, v = name, datatype
self._exports = set()
self._postponedSyms = {} # k, v = symbol, (parents, properties)
self._parentOids = set()
self._importMap = {} # k, v = symbol, MIB
self._symsOrder = []
self._out = {} # k, v = symbol, properties
self.moduleName = ['DUMMY']
self._moduleRevision = None
self.genRules = {'text': True}
def symTrans(self, symbol):
if symbol in self.symsTable:
return self.symsTable[symbol]
return symbol,
def transOpers(symbol):
if iskeyword(symbol):
symbol = 'pysmi_' + symbol
return symbol.replace('-', '_')
def prepData(self, pdata, classmode=False):
data = []
for el in pdata:
if not isinstance(el, tuple):
elif len(el) == 1:
data.append(self.handlersTable[el[0]](self, self.prepData(el[1:], classmode=classmode), classmode=classmode))
return data
def genImports(self, imports):
# convertion to SNMPv2
toDel = []
for module in list(imports):
if module in self.convertImportv2:
for symbol in imports[module]:
if symbol in self.convertImportv2[module]:
toDel.append((module, symbol))
for newImport in self.convertImportv2[module][symbol]:
newModule, newSymbol = newImport
if newModule in imports:
imports[newModule] = [newSymbol]
# removing converted symbols
for d in toDel:
# merging mib and constant imports
for module in self.constImports:
if module in imports:
imports[module] += self.constImports[module]
imports[module] = self.constImports[module]
for module in sorted(imports):
symbols = ()
for symbol in set(imports[module]):
symbols += self.symTrans(symbol)
if symbols:
self._importMap.update([(self.transOpers(s), module) for s in symbols])
return {}, tuple(sorted(imports))
def allParentsExists(self, parents):
parentsExists = True
for parent in parents:
if not (parent in self._out or
parent in self._importMap or
parent in self.baseTypes or
parent in ('MibTable', 'MibTableRow', 'MibTableColumn') or
parent in self._rows):
parentsExists = False
return parentsExists
def regSym(self, symbol, symProps, parents=()):
if symbol in self._out or symbol in self._postponedSyms: # add to strict mode - or symbol in self._importMap:
raise error.PySmiSemanticError('Duplicate symbol found: %s' % symbol)
if self.allParentsExists(parents):
self._out[symbol] = symProps
self._postponedSyms[symbol] = (parents, symProps)
def regPostponedSyms(self):
regedSyms = []
for sym, val in self._postponedSyms.items():
parents, symProps = val
if self.allParentsExists(parents):
self._out[sym] = symProps
for sym in regedSyms:
# Clause handlers
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def genAgentCapabilities(self, data, classmode=False):
origName, release, status, description, reference, oid = data
pysmiName = self.transOpers(origName)
symProps = {'type': 'AgentCapabilities',
'oid': oid,
'origName': origName}
self.regSym(pysmiName, symProps)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def genModuleIdentity(self, data, classmode=False):
origName, lastUpdated, organization, contactInfo, description, revisions, oid = data
pysmiName = self.transOpers(origName)
symProps = {'type': 'ModuleIdentity',
'oid': oid,
'origName': origName}
if revisions:
self._moduleRevision = revisions[0]
self.regSym(pysmiName, symProps)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def genModuleCompliance(self, data, classmode=False):
origName, status, description, reference, compliances, oid = data
pysmiName = self.transOpers(origName)
symProps = {'type': 'ModuleCompliance',
'oid': oid,
'origName': origName}
self.regSym(pysmiName, symProps)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def genNotificationGroup(self, data, classmode=False):
origName, objects, status, description, reference, oid = data
pysmiName = self.transOpers(origName)
symProps = {'type': 'NotificationGroup',
'oid': oid,
'origName': origName}
self.regSym(pysmiName, symProps)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def genNotificationType(self, data, classmode=False):
origName, objects, status, description, reference, oid = data
pysmiName = self.transOpers(origName)
symProps = {'type': 'NotificationType',
'oid': oid,
'origName': origName}
self.regSym(pysmiName, symProps)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def genObjectGroup(self, data, classmode=False):
origName, objects, status, description, reference, oid = data
pysmiName = self.transOpers(origName)
symProps = {'type': 'ObjectGroup',
'oid': oid,
'origName': origName}
self.regSym(pysmiName, symProps)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def genObjectIdentity(self, data, classmode=False):
origName, status, description, reference, oid = data
pysmiName = self.transOpers(origName)
symProps = {'type': 'ObjectIdentity',
'oid': oid,
'origName': origName}
self.regSym(pysmiName, symProps)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def genObjectType(self, data, classmode=False):
origName, syntax, units, maxaccess, status, description, reference, augmention, index, defval, oid = data
pysmiName = self.transOpers(origName)
symProps = {'type': 'ObjectType',
'oid': oid,
'syntax': syntax, # (type, module), subtype
'origName': origName}
parents = [syntax[0][0]]
if augmention:
if defval: # XXX
symProps['defval'] = defval
if index and index[1]:
namepart, fakeIndexes, fakeSymSyntax = index
for fakeIdx, fakeSyntax in zip(fakeIndexes, fakeSymSyntax):
fakeName = namepart + str(fakeIdx)
fakeSymProps = {'type': 'fakeColumn',
'oid': oid + (fakeIdx,),
'syntax': fakeSyntax,
'origName': fakeName}
self.regSym(fakeName, fakeSymProps)
self.regSym(pysmiName, symProps, parents)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def genTrapType(self, data, classmode=False):
origName, enterprise, variables, description, reference, value = data
pysmiName = self.transOpers(origName)
symProps = {'type': 'NotificationType',
'oid': enterprise + (0, value),
'origName': origName}
self.regSym(pysmiName, symProps)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def genTypeDeclaration(self, data, classmode=False):
origName, declaration = data
pysmiName = self.transOpers(origName)
if declaration:
parentType, attrs = declaration
if parentType: # skipping SEQUENCE case
symProps = {'type': 'TypeDeclaration',
'syntax': declaration, # (type, module), subtype
'origName': origName}
self.regSym(pysmiName, symProps, [declaration[0][0]])
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def genValueDeclaration(self, data, classmode=False):
origName, oid = data
pysmiName = self.transOpers(origName)
symProps = {'type': 'MibIdentifier',
'oid': oid,
'origName': origName}
self.regSym(pysmiName, symProps)
# Subparts generation functions
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyMethodMayBeStatic
def genBitNames(self, data, classmode=False):
names = data[0]
return names
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyMethodMayBeStatic
def genBits(self, data, classmode=False):
bits = data[0]
return ('Bits', ''), bits
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyUnusedLocal,PyMethodMayBeStatic
def genCompliances(self, data, classmode=False):
return ''
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def genConceptualTable(self, data, classmode=False):
row = data[0]
if row[0] and row[0][0]:
return ('MibTable', ''), ''
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyUnusedLocal,PyMethodMayBeStatic
def genContactInfo(self, data, classmode=False):
return ''
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyUnusedLocal,PyMethodMayBeStatic
def genDisplayHint(self, data, classmode=False):
return ''
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def genDefVal(self, data, classmode=False): # XXX should be fixed, see
defval = data[0]
if isinstance(defval, (int, long)): # number
val = str(defval)
elif self.isHex(defval): # hex
val = 'hexValue="' + defval[1:-2] + '"' # not working for Integer baseTypes
elif self.isBinary(defval): # binary
binval = defval[1:-2]
hexval = binval and hex(int(binval, 2))[2:] or ''
val = 'hexValue="' + hexval + '"'
elif isinstance(defval, list): # bits list
val = defval
elif defval[0] == defval[-1] and defval[0] == '"': # quoted strimg
val = dorepr(defval[1:-1])
else: # symbol (oid as defval) or name for enumeration member
if defval in self._out or defval in self._importMap:
val = defval + '.getName()'
val = dorepr(defval)
return val
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyUnusedLocal,PyMethodMayBeStatic
def genDescription(self, data, classmode=False):
return ''
def genReference(self, data, classmode=False):
return ''
def genStatus(self, data, classmode=False):
return ''
def genProductRelease(self, data, classmode=False):
return ''
def genEnumSpec(self, data, classmode=False):
return self.genBits(data, classmode=classmode)[1]
def genIndex(self, data, classmode=False):
indexes = data[0]
fakeIdxName = 'pysmiFakeCol'
fakeIndexes, fakeSymsSyntax = [], []
for idx in indexes:
idxName = idx[1]
if idxName in self.smiv1IdxTypes: # SMIv1 support
idxType = idxName
objType = self.typeClasses.get(idxType, idxType)
objType = self.transOpers(objType)
fakeSymsSyntax.append((('MibTableColumn', ''), objType))
self.fakeidx += 1
return fakeIdxName, fakeIndexes, fakeSymsSyntax
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyUnusedLocal,PyMethodMayBeStatic
def genIntegerSubType(self, data, classmode=False):
return ''
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyUnusedLocal,PyMethodMayBeStatic
def genMaxAccess(self, data, classmode=False):
return ''
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyUnusedLocal,PyMethodMayBeStatic
def genOctetStringSubType(self, data, classmode=False):
return ''
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def genOid(self, data, classmode=False):
out = ()
for el in data[0]:
if isinstance(el, (str, unicode)):
parent = self.transOpers(el)
out += ((parent, self._importMap.get(parent, self.moduleName[0])),)
elif isinstance(el, (int, long)):
out += (el,)
elif isinstance(el, tuple):
out += (el[1],) # XXX Do we need to create a new object el[0]?
raise error.PySmiSemanticError('unknown datatype for OID: %s' % el)
return out
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyUnusedLocal,PyMethodMayBeStatic
def genObjects(self, data, classmode=False):
return ''
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyUnusedLocal,PyMethodMayBeStatic
def genTime(self, data, classmode=False):
return ''
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyUnusedLocal,PyMethodMayBeStatic
def genLastUpdated(self, data, classmode=False):
return data[0]
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyUnusedLocal,PyMethodMayBeStatic
def genOrganization(self, data, classmode=False):
return data[0]
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyUnusedLocal,PyMethodMayBeStatic
def genRevisions(self, data, classmode=False):
lastRevision, lastDescription = data[0][0][0], data[0][0][1][1]
return lastRevision, lastDescription
def genRow(self, data, classmode=False):
row = data[0]
row = self.transOpers(row)
return row in self._rows and (('MibTableRow', ''), '') or self.genSimpleSyntax(data, classmode=classmode)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def genSequence(self, data, classmode=False):
cols = data[0]
return '', ''
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def genSimpleSyntax(self, data, classmode=False):
objType = data[0]
module = ''
objType = self.typeClasses.get(objType, objType)
objType = self.transOpers(objType)
if objType not in self.baseTypes:
module = self._importMap.get(objType, self.moduleName[0])
subtype = len(data) == 2 and data[1] or ''
return (objType, module), subtype
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyMethodMayBeStatic
def genTypeDeclarationRHS(self, data, classmode=False):
if len(data) == 1:
parentType, attrs = data[0] # just syntax
# Textual convention
display, status, description, reference, syntax = data
parentType, attrs = syntax
return parentType, attrs
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyUnusedLocal,PyMethodMayBeStatic
def genUnits(self, data, classmode=False):
return ''
handlersTable = {
'agentCapabilitiesClause': genAgentCapabilities,
'moduleIdentityClause': genModuleIdentity,
'moduleComplianceClause': genModuleCompliance,
'notificationGroupClause': genNotificationGroup,
'notificationTypeClause': genNotificationType,
'objectGroupClause': genObjectGroup,
'objectIdentityClause': genObjectIdentity,
'objectTypeClause': genObjectType,
'trapTypeClause': genTrapType,
'typeDeclaration': genTypeDeclaration,
'valueDeclaration': genValueDeclaration,
'ApplicationSyntax': genSimpleSyntax,
'BitNames': genBitNames,
'BITS': genBits,
'ComplianceModules': genCompliances,
'conceptualTable': genConceptualTable,
'CONTACT-INFO': genContactInfo,
'DISPLAY-HINT': genDisplayHint,
'DEFVAL': genDefVal,
'DESCRIPTION': genDescription,
'REFERENCE': genReference,
'Status': genStatus,
'PRODUCT-RELEASE': genProductRelease,
'enumSpec': genEnumSpec,
'INDEX': genIndex,
'integerSubType': genIntegerSubType,
'MaxAccessPart': genMaxAccess,
'Notifications': genObjects,
'octetStringSubType': genOctetStringSubType,
'objectIdentifier': genOid,
'Objects': genObjects,
'LAST-UPDATED': genLastUpdated,
'ORGANIZATION': genOrganization,
'Revisions': genRevisions,
'row': genRow,
'SEQUENCE': genSequence,
'SimpleSyntax': genSimpleSyntax,
'typeDeclarationRHS': genTypeDeclarationRHS,
'UNITS': genUnits,
'VarTypes': genObjects,
def genCode(self, ast, symbolTable, **kwargs):
self.genRules['text'] = kwargs.get('genTexts', False)
self._symsOrder = []
self._out = {} # should be new object, do not use `clear` method
self.moduleName[0], moduleOid, imports, declarations = ast
out, importedModules = self.genImports(imports or {})
for declr in declarations or []:
if declr:
clausetype = declr[0]
classmode = clausetype == 'typeDeclaration'
self.handlersTable[declr[0]](self, self.prepData(declr[1:], classmode), classmode)
if self._postponedSyms:
raise error.PySmiSemanticError('Unknown parents for symbols: %s' % ', '.join(self._postponedSyms))
for sym in self._parentOids:
if sym not in self._out and sym not in self._importMap:
raise error.PySmiSemanticError('Unknown parent symbol: %s' % sym)
self._out['_symtable_order'] = list(self._symsOrder)
self._out['_symtable_cols'] = list(self._cols)
self._out['_symtable_rows'] = list(self._rows)
debug.logger & debug.flagCodegen and debug.logger(
'canonical MIB name %s (%s), imported MIB(s) %s, Symbol table size %s symbols' % (
self.moduleName[0], moduleOid, ','.join(importedModules) or '<none>', len(self._out)))
return MibInfo(oid=None,
imported=tuple([x for x in importedModules])), self._out
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0