Mini Shell
# Licensed under the GPL:
# For details:
# Copyright (c)
from __future__ import annotations
import sys
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast
from astroid import nodes
from pylint.checkers import BaseChecker, utils
from pylint.checkers.utils import only_required_for_messages, safe_infer
from pylint.interfaces import INFERENCE
from pylint.lint import PyLinter
if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
from typing import TypeGuard
from typing_extensions import TypeGuard
class CodeStyleChecker(BaseChecker):
"""Checkers that can improve code consistency.
As such they don't necessarily provide a performance benefit and
are often times opinionated.
Before adding another checker here, consider this:
1. Does the checker provide a clear benefit,
i.e. detect a common issue or improve performance
=> it should probably be part of the core checker classes
2. Is it something that would improve code consistency,
maybe because it's slightly better with regard to performance
and therefore preferred => this is the right place
3. Everything else should go into another extension
name = "code_style"
msgs = {
"R6101": (
"Consider using namedtuple or dataclass for dictionary values",
"Emitted when dictionary values can be replaced by namedtuples or dataclass instances.",
"R6102": (
"Consider using an in-place tuple instead of list",
"Only for style consistency! "
"Emitted where an in-place defined ``list`` can be replaced by a ``tuple``. "
"Due to optimizations by CPython, there is no performance benefit from it.",
"R6103": (
"Use '%s' instead",
"Emitted when an if assignment is directly followed by an if statement and "
"both can be combined by using an assignment expression ``:=``. "
"Requires Python 3.8 and ``py-version >= 3.8``.",
"R6104": (
"Use '%s' to do an augmented assign directly",
"Emitted when an assignment is referring to the object that it is assigning "
"to. This can be changed to be an augmented assign.\n"
"Disabled by default!",
"default_enabled": False,
"R6105": (
"Prefer 'typing.NamedTuple' over 'collections.namedtuple'",
"'typing.NamedTuple' uses the well-known 'class' keyword "
"with type-hints for readability (it's also faster as it avoids "
"an internal exec call).\n"
"Disabled by default!",
"default_enabled": False,
options = (
"type": "int",
"default": 0,
"metavar": "<int>",
"help": (
"Max line length for which to sill emit suggestions. "
"Used to prevent optional suggestions which would get split "
"by a code formatter (e.g., black). "
"Will default to the setting for ``max-line-length``."
def open(self) -> None:
py_version = self.linter.config.py_version
self._py36_plus = py_version >= (3, 6)
self._py38_plus = py_version >= (3, 8)
self._max_length: int = (
or self.linter.config.max_line_length
def visit_call(self, node: nodes.Call) -> None:
if self._py36_plus:
called = safe_infer(node.func)
if called and called.qname() == "collections.namedtuple":
"prefer-typing-namedtuple", node=node, confidence=INFERENCE
def visit_dict(self, node: nodes.Dict) -> None:
def visit_for(self, node: nodes.For) -> None:
if isinstance(node.iter, nodes.List):
self.add_message("consider-using-tuple", node=node.iter)
def visit_comprehension(self, node: nodes.Comprehension) -> None:
if isinstance(node.iter, nodes.List):
self.add_message("consider-using-tuple", node=node.iter)
def visit_if(self, node: nodes.If) -> None:
if self._py38_plus:
def _check_dict_consider_namedtuple_dataclass(self, node: nodes.Dict) -> None:
"""Check if dictionary values can be replaced by Namedtuple or Dataclass."""
if not (
isinstance(node.parent, (nodes.Assign, nodes.AnnAssign))
and isinstance(node.parent.parent, nodes.Module)
or isinstance(node.parent, nodes.AnnAssign)
and isinstance(, nodes.AssignName)
and utils.is_assign_name_annotated_with(, "Final")
# If dict is not part of an 'Assign' or 'AnnAssign' node in
# a module context OR 'AnnAssign' with 'Final' annotation, skip check.
# All dict_values are itself dict nodes
if len(node.items) > 1 and all(
isinstance(dict_value, nodes.Dict) for _, dict_value in node.items
KeyTupleT = tuple[type[nodes.NodeNG], str]
# Makes sure all keys are 'Const' string nodes
keys_checked: set[KeyTupleT] = set()
for _, dict_value in node.items:
dict_value = cast(nodes.Dict, dict_value)
for key, _ in dict_value.items:
key_tuple = (type(key), key.as_string())
if key_tuple in keys_checked:
inferred = safe_infer(key)
if not (
isinstance(inferred, nodes.Const)
and inferred.pytype() == "builtins.str"
# Makes sure all subdicts have at least 1 common key
key_tuples: list[tuple[KeyTupleT, ...]] = []
for _, dict_value in node.items:
dict_value = cast(nodes.Dict, dict_value)
tuple((type(key), key.as_string()) for key, _ in dict_value.items)
keys_intersection: set[KeyTupleT] = set(key_tuples[0])
for sub_key_tuples in key_tuples[1:]:
if not keys_intersection:
self.add_message("consider-using-namedtuple-or-dataclass", node=node)
# All dict_values are itself either list or tuple nodes
if len(node.items) > 1 and all(
isinstance(dict_value, (nodes.List, nodes.Tuple))
for _, dict_value in node.items
# Make sure all sublists have the same length > 0
list_length = len(node.items[0][1].elts)
if list_length == 0:
for _, dict_value in node.items[1:]:
if len(dict_value.elts) != list_length:
# Make sure at least one list entry isn't a dict
for _, dict_value in node.items:
if all(isinstance(entry, nodes.Dict) for entry in dict_value.elts):
self.add_message("consider-using-namedtuple-or-dataclass", node=node)
def _check_consider_using_assignment_expr(self, node: nodes.If) -> None:
"""Check if an assignment expression (walrus operator) can be used.
For example if an assignment is directly followed by an if statement:
>>> x = 2
>>> if x:
>>> ...
Can be replaced by:
>>> if (x := 2):
>>> ...
Note: Assignment expressions were added in Python 3.8
# Check if `node.test` contains a `Name` node
node_name: nodes.Name | None = None
if isinstance(node.test, nodes.Name):
node_name = node.test
elif (
isinstance(node.test, nodes.UnaryOp)
and node.test.op == "not"
and isinstance(node.test.operand, nodes.Name)
node_name = node.test.operand
elif (
isinstance(node.test, nodes.Compare)
and isinstance(node.test.left, nodes.Name)
and len(node.test.ops) == 1
node_name = node.test.left
# Make sure the previous node is an assignment to the same name
# used in `node.test`. Furthermore, ignore if assignment spans multiple lines.
prev_sibling = node.previous_sibling()
if CodeStyleChecker._check_prev_sibling_to_if_stmt(
# Check if match statement would be a better fit.
# I.e. multiple ifs that test the same name.
if CodeStyleChecker._check_ignore_assignment_expr_suggestion(
# Build suggestion string. Check length of suggestion
# does not exceed max-line-length-suggestions
test_str = node.test.as_string().replace(,
f"({} := {prev_sibling.value.as_string()})",
suggestion = f"if {test_str}:"
if (
node.col_offset is not None
and len(suggestion) + node.col_offset > self._max_length
or len(suggestion) > self._max_length
def _check_prev_sibling_to_if_stmt(
prev_sibling: nodes.NodeNG | None, name: str | None
) -> TypeGuard[nodes.Assign | nodes.AnnAssign]:
"""Check if previous sibling is an assignment with the same name.
Ignore statements which span multiple lines.
if prev_sibling is None or prev_sibling.tolineno - prev_sibling.fromlineno != 0:
return False
if (
isinstance(prev_sibling, nodes.Assign)
and len(prev_sibling.targets) == 1
and isinstance(prev_sibling.targets[0], nodes.AssignName)
and prev_sibling.targets[0].name == name
return True
if (
isinstance(prev_sibling, nodes.AnnAssign)
and isinstance(, nodes.AssignName)
and == name
return True
return False
def _check_ignore_assignment_expr_suggestion(
node: nodes.If, name: str | None
) -> bool:
"""Return True if suggestion for assignment expr should be ignored.
E.g., in cases where a match statement would be a better fit
(multiple conditions).
if isinstance(node.test, nodes.Compare):
next_if_node: nodes.If | None = None
next_sibling = node.next_sibling()
if len(node.orelse) == 1 and isinstance(node.orelse[0], nodes.If):
# elif block
next_if_node = node.orelse[0]
elif isinstance(next_sibling, nodes.If):
# separate if block
next_if_node = next_sibling
if ( # pylint: disable=too-many-boolean-expressions
next_if_node is not None
and (
isinstance(next_if_node.test, nodes.Compare)
and isinstance(next_if_node.test.left, nodes.Name)
and == name
or isinstance(next_if_node.test, nodes.Name)
and == name
return True
return False
def visit_assign(self, node: nodes.Assign) -> None:
is_aug, op = utils.is_augmented_assign(node)
if is_aug:
def register(linter: PyLinter) -> None:
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0