Mini Shell
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"""Configuration file parser class."""
from __future__ import annotations
import configparser
import os
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from pylint.config.utils import _parse_rich_type_value
if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
import tomllib
import tomli as tomllib
from pylint.lint import PyLinter
PylintConfigFileData = tuple[dict[str, str], list[str]]
class _RawConfParser:
"""Class to parse various formats of configuration files."""
def parse_ini_file(file_path: Path) -> PylintConfigFileData:
"""Parse and handle errors of an ini configuration file.
Raises ``configparser.Error``.
parser = configparser.ConfigParser(inline_comment_prefixes=("#", ";"))
# Use this encoding in order to strip the BOM marker, if any.
with open(file_path, encoding="utf_8_sig") as fp:
config_content: dict[str, str] = {}
options: list[str] = []
ini_file_with_sections = _RawConfParser._ini_file_with_sections(file_path)
for section in parser.sections():
if ini_file_with_sections and not section.startswith("pylint"):
for option, value in parser[section].items():
config_content[option] = value
options += [f"--{option}", value]
return config_content, options
def _ini_file_with_sections(file_path: Path) -> bool:
"""Return whether the file uses sections."""
if "setup.cfg" in
return True
if "tox.ini" in
return True
return False
def parse_toml_file(file_path: Path) -> PylintConfigFileData:
"""Parse and handle errors of a toml configuration file.
Raises ``tomllib.TOMLDecodeError``.
with open(file_path, mode="rb") as fp:
content = tomllib.load(fp)
sections_values = content["tool"]["pylint"]
except KeyError:
return {}, []
config_content: dict[str, str] = {}
options: list[str] = []
for opt, values in sections_values.items():
if isinstance(values, dict):
for config, value in values.items():
value = _parse_rich_type_value(value)
config_content[config] = value
options += [f"--{config}", value]
values = _parse_rich_type_value(values)
config_content[opt] = values
options += [f"--{opt}", values]
return config_content, options
def parse_config_file(
file_path: Path | None, verbose: bool
) -> PylintConfigFileData:
"""Parse a config file and return str-str pairs.
Raises ``tomllib.TOMLDecodeError``, ``configparser.Error``.
if file_path is None:
if verbose:
"No config file found, using default configuration", file=sys.stderr
return {}, []
file_path = Path(os.path.expandvars(file_path)).expanduser()
if not file_path.exists():
raise OSError(f"The config file {file_path} doesn't exist!")
if verbose:
print(f"Using config file {file_path}", file=sys.stderr)
if file_path.suffix == ".toml":
return _RawConfParser.parse_toml_file(file_path)
return _RawConfParser.parse_ini_file(file_path)
class _ConfigurationFileParser:
"""Class to parse various formats of configuration files."""
def __init__(self, verbose: bool, linter: PyLinter) -> None:
self.verbose_mode = verbose
self.linter = linter
def parse_config_file(self, file_path: Path | None) -> PylintConfigFileData:
"""Parse a config file and return str-str pairs."""
return _RawConfParser.parse_config_file(file_path, self.verbose_mode)
except (configparser.Error, tomllib.TOMLDecodeError) as e:
self.linter.add_message("config-parse-error", line=0, args=str(e))
return {}, []
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0