Mini Shell
Implementing planarity testing as per "The Hopcroft-Tarjan Planarity Algorithm" by William Kocay
from collections import deque
from ..searching.depth_first_search import depth_first_search_with_parent_data
In programming the Hopcroft-Tarjan algorithm one first begins with
the LowPtDFS in order to determine L1(v) and L2(v). The adjacency lists
are then sorted by weight. Next, the BranchPtDFS can be executed in
order to establish the first node in Adj[u]. Then EmbedBranch is executed
in order to construct the lists LF and RF which determine the combina-
torial embedding of G. An alternative is to combine BranchPtDFS and
EmbedBranch into a single DFS, which is easy to do.
def kocay_planarity_test(graph):
"""Determines whether a graph is planar."""
# We first have to calculate the DFS-tree of the graph, so we can calculate the edge weights to determine
# the order of embedding of the branches
adj = __calculate_adjacency_lists(graph)
dfs_data = __setup_dfs_data(graph, adj)
# Now that we have enough information to sort the edges, we should do so and then recalculate the DFS tree
adj = __sort_adjacency_lists(dfs_data)
dfs_data = __setup_dfs_data(graph, adj)
# We now have the information we need to calculate the branch points
#b_u_lookup =__calculate_bu_dfs(dfs_data)
#dfs_data['b_u_lookup'] = b_u_lookup
# Now that everything is calculated and ordered, we can attempt to embed the graph
is_planar = __embed_branch(dfs_data)
return is_planar
def __setup_dfs_data(graph, adj):
"""Sets up the dfs_data object, for consistency."""
dfs_data = __get_dfs_data(graph, adj)
dfs_data['graph'] = graph
dfs_data['adj'] = adj
L1, L2 = __low_point_dfs(dfs_data)
dfs_data['lowpoint_1_lookup'] = L1
dfs_data['lowpoint_2_lookup'] = L2
edge_weights = __calculate_edge_weights(dfs_data)
dfs_data['edge_weights'] = edge_weights
return dfs_data
def __low_point_dfs(dfs_data):
"""Calculates the L1 and L2 for each vertex."""
L1, L2 = __get_all_lowpoints(dfs_data)
return (L1, L2)
def __calculate_edge_weights(dfs_data):
"""Calculates the weight of each edge, for embedding-order sorting."""
graph = dfs_data['graph']
weights = {}
for edge_id in graph.get_all_edge_ids():
edge_weight = __edge_weight(edge_id, dfs_data)
weights[edge_id] = edge_weight
return weights
def __sort_adjacency_lists(dfs_data):
"""Sorts the adjacency list representation by the edge weights."""
new_adjacency_lists = {}
adjacency_lists = dfs_data['adj']
edge_weights = dfs_data['edge_weights']
edge_lookup = dfs_data['edge_lookup']
for node_id, adj_list in list(adjacency_lists.items()):
node_weight_lookup = {}
frond_lookup = {}
for node_b in adj_list:
edge_id = dfs_data['graph'].get_first_edge_id_by_node_ids(node_id, node_b)
node_weight_lookup[node_b] = edge_weights[edge_id]
frond_lookup[node_b] = 1 if edge_lookup[edge_id] == 'backedge' else 2
# Fronds should be before branches if the weights are equal
new_list = sorted(adj_list, key=lambda n: frond_lookup[n])
# Sort by weights
new_list.sort(key=lambda n: node_weight_lookup[n])
# Add the new sorted list to the new adjacency list lookup table
new_adjacency_lists[node_id] = new_list
return new_adjacency_lists
def __branch_point_dfs(dfs_data):
"""DFS that calculates the b(u) and N(u) lookups, and also reorders the adjacency lists."""
u = dfs_data['ordering'][0]
large_n = {}
large_n[u] = 0
stem = {}
stem[u] = u
b = {}
b[u] = 1
__branch_point_dfs_recursive(u, large_n, b, stem, dfs_data)
dfs_data['N_u_lookup'] = large_n
dfs_data['b_u_lookup'] = b
def __branch_point_dfs_recursive(u, large_n, b, stem, dfs_data):
"""A recursive implementation of the BranchPtDFS function, as defined on page 14 of the paper."""
first_vertex = dfs_data['adj'][u][0]
large_w = wt(u, first_vertex, dfs_data)
if large_w % 2 == 0:
large_w += 1
v_I = 0
v_II = 0
for v in [v for v in dfs_data['adj'][u] if wt(u, v, dfs_data) <= large_w]:
stem[u] = v # not in the original paper, but a logical extension based on page 13
if a(v, dfs_data) == u: # uv is a tree edge
large_n[v] = 0
if wt(u, v, dfs_data) % 2 == 0:
v_I = v
b_u = b[u]
l2_v = L2(v, dfs_data)
#if l2_v > b_u:
# If this is true, then we're not on a branch at all
# continue
if l2_v < b_u:
large_n[v] = 1
elif b_u != 1:
#print stem
#print dfs_data['lowpoint_2_lookup']
#print b
xnode = stem[l2_v]
if large_n[xnode] != 0:
large_n[v] = large_n[xnode] + 1
elif dfs_data['graph'].adjacent(u, L1(v, dfs_data)):
large_n[v] = 2
large_n[v] = large_n[u]
if large_n[v] % 2 == 0:
v_II = v
break # Goto 1
if v_II != 0:
# Move v_II to head of Adj[u]
dfs_data['adj'][u].insert(0, v_II)
elif v_I != 0:
# Move v_I to head of Adj[u]
dfs_data['adj'][u].insert(0, v_I)
first_time = True
for v in dfs_data['adj'][u]:
if a(v, dfs_data) == u:
b[v] = u
if first_time:
b[v] = b[u]
elif wt(u, v, dfs_data) % 2 == 0:
large_n[v] = 0
large_n[v] = 1
stem[u] = v
__branch_point_dfs_recursive(v, large_n, b, stem, dfs_data)
first_time = False
def __embed_branch(dfs_data):
"""Builds the combinatorial embedding of the graph. Returns whether the graph is planar."""
u = dfs_data['ordering'][0]
dfs_data['LF'] = []
dfs_data['RF'] = []
dfs_data['FG'] = {}
n = dfs_data['graph'].num_nodes()
f0 = (0, n)
g0 = (0, n)
L0 = {'u': 0, 'v': n}
R0 = {'x': 0, 'y': n}
dfs_data['FG'][0] = [L0, R0]
dfs_data['FG']['m'] = 0
dfs_data['FG']['l'] = 0
dfs_data['FG']['r'] = 0
#print 'DFS Ordering: {}'.format(dfs_data['ordering'])
#for node in dfs_data['ordering']:
#print '{}: {}'.format(node, dfs_data['adj'][node])
nonplanar = __embed_branch_recursive(u, dfs_data)
#print "Nonplanar:", nonplanar
return not nonplanar
def __embed_branch_recursive(u, dfs_data):
"""A recursive implementation of the EmbedBranch function, as defined on pages 8 and 22 of the paper."""
#print "\nu: {}\nadj: {}".format(u, dfs_data['adj'][u])
#print 'Pre-inserts'
#print "FG: {}".format(dfs_data['FG'])
#print "LF: {}".format(dfs_data['LF'])
#print "RF: {}".format(dfs_data['RF'])
for v in dfs_data['adj'][u]:
#print "\nu, v: {}, {}".format(u, v)
#print "dfs_u, dfs_v: {}, {}".format(D(u, dfs_data), D(v, dfs_data))
nonplanar = True
if a(v, dfs_data) == u:
#print 'Ancestor block entered:', u, v
if b(v, dfs_data) == u:
successful = __insert_branch(u, v, dfs_data)
if not successful:
#print 'InsertBranch({}, {}) Failed'.format(u, v)
nonplanar = True
return nonplanar
nonplanar = __embed_branch_recursive(v, dfs_data)
if nonplanar:
return nonplanar
elif is_frond(u, v, dfs_data):
#print 'Frond block entered:', u, v
successful = __embed_frond(u, v, dfs_data)
if not successful:
#print 'EmbedFrond({}, {}) Failed'.format(u, v)
nonplanar = True
return nonplanar
#print 'Post EmbedFrond'
#print "FG: {}".format(dfs_data['FG'])
#print "LF: {}".format(dfs_data['LF'])
#print "RF: {}".format(dfs_data['RF'])
# This block is totally valid, and there will be multiple cases when it gets hit.
# We only want to do things if an edge is a tree edge (parent to child along the spine of the DFS tree),
# or if it's a frond edge (an edge moving up the tree from lower along the spine).
# Every non-tree edge will eventually get handled by the frond edge code as we recurse up the spine.
#print "{}: Should be planar".format(u)
#print 'Post-inserts'
#print "FG: {}".format(dfs_data['FG'])
#print "LF: {}".format(dfs_data['LF'])
#print "RF: {}".format(dfs_data['RF'])
nonplanar = False
return nonplanar
def __insert_branch(u, v, dfs_data):
"""Embeds a branch Bu(v) (as described on page 22 of the paper). Returns whether the embedding was successful."""
w = L1(v, dfs_data)
d_u = D(u, dfs_data)
d_w = D(w, dfs_data)
# Embed uw
successful = __embed_frond(u, w, dfs_data)
if not successful:
return False
# Embed a branch marker uu on the side opposite to uw, in the same frond block
#successful = __embed_frond(u, v, dfs_data, as_branch_marker=True)
successful = __embed_frond(u, u, dfs_data, as_branch_marker=True)
if not successful:
return False
return True
def __embed_frond(node_u, node_w, dfs_data, as_branch_marker=False):
"""Embeds a frond uw into either LF or RF. Returns whether the embedding was successful."""
d_u = D(node_u, dfs_data)
d_w = D(node_w, dfs_data)
comp_d_w = abs(d_w)
if as_branch_marker:
d_w *= -1
if dfs_data['last_inserted_side'] == 'LF':
__insert_frond_RF(d_w, d_u, dfs_data)
# We default to inserting a branch marker on the left side, unless we know otherwise
__insert_frond_LF(d_w, d_u, dfs_data)
return True
LF = dfs_data['LF']
m = dfs_data['FG']['m']
l_w = lw(dfs_data)
r_w = rw(dfs_data)
u_m = u(m, dfs_data)
x_m = fn_x(m, dfs_data)
# There are multiple cases for both u and w
# --Detect the case for u and store it for handling once the case for w is determined
case_1 = False
case_2 = False
case_3 = False
if d_u > u_m and d_u > x_m:
case_1 = True
elif d_u <= u_m and d_u > x_m:
case_2 = True
elif d_u > u_m and d_u <= x_m:
case_3 = True
# We should never get here, return false because there's no way we can embed this frond
#print "Invalid u-case detected: (d_u, u_m, x_m): ({}, {}, {})".format(d_u, u_m, x_m)
#print "FG: {}".format(dfs_data['FG'])
#print "LF: {}".format(dfs_data['LF'])
#print "RF: {}".format(dfs_data['RF'])
return False
# --Detect the case for w and process the edge appropriately
if comp_d_w >= l_w and comp_d_w >= r_w:
# Case 4
#print "w-case 4 reached"
# --We do the same thing for all three u-cases: Add the frond to the left side
__insert_frond_LF(d_w, d_u, dfs_data)
dfs_data['FG']['m'] += 1
m = dfs_data['FG']['m']
n = dfs_data['graph'].num_nodes()
Lm = {'u': d_w, 'v': d_u}
Rm = {'x': n, 'y': 0} # See page 17 for how we deal with Ri being empty
#Rm = {}
dfs_data['FG'][m] = [Lm, Rm]
return True
elif comp_d_w >= l_w and comp_d_w < r_w:
# Case 5
#print "w-case 5 reached"
return __do_case_5_work(d_w, d_u, case_1, case_2, case_3, dfs_data)
elif comp_d_w < l_w and comp_d_w >= r_w:
# Case 6
#print "w-case 6 reached"
return __do_case_6_work(d_w, d_u, case_1, case_2, case_3, dfs_data)
elif comp_d_w < l_w and comp_d_w < r_w:
# Case 7
#print "w-case 7 reached"
#print "FG: {}".format(dfs_data['FG'])
#print "LF: {}".format(dfs_data['LF'])
#print "RF: {}".format(dfs_data['RF'])
#print "(d_w, l_w, r_w): ({}, {}, {})".format(d_w, l_w, r_w)
#print "(d_u, u_m, x_m, m): ({}, {}, {}, {})".format(d_u, u_m, x_m, m)
while comp_d_w < l_w and comp_d_w < r_w:
if d_u > u_m and d_u > x_m:
#print "Nonplanar case reached: u-case 1, w-case 7"
#print "FG: {}".format(dfs_data['FG'])
#print "LF: {}".format(dfs_data['LF'])
#print "RF: {}".format(dfs_data['RF'])
#print "(d_w, l_w, r_w): ({}, {}, {})".format(d_w, l_w, r_w)
#print "(d_u, u_m, x_m, m): ({}, {}, {}, {})".format(d_u, u_m, x_m, m)
return False
switch_sides(d_u, dfs_data)
# --Update the local variables fo the next loop iteration
l_w = lw(dfs_data)
r_w = rw(dfs_data)
m = dfs_data['FG']['m']
u_m = u(m, dfs_data)
x_m = fn_x(m, dfs_data)
case_1 = False
case_2 = False
case_3 = False
if d_u <= u_m and d_u > x_m:
case_2 = True
elif d_u > u_m and d_u <= x_m:
case_3 = True
if comp_d_w >= l_w and comp_d_w < r_w:
# Case 5 redux
#print "w-case 5 redux reached"
return __do_case_5_work(d_w, d_u, case_1, case_2, case_3, dfs_data)
if comp_d_w < l_w and comp_d_w >= r_w:
# Case 6 redux
#print "w-case 6 redux reached"
return __do_case_6_work(d_w, d_u, case_1, case_2, case_3, dfs_data)
# We should never get here, return false because there's no way we can embed this frond
#print "Invalid w-case detected"
return False
# We really shouldn't get to this point, but this is a catch-all just in case
#print "Failure catchall reached"
return False
def __do_case_5_work(d_w, d_u, case_1, case_2, case_3, dfs_data):
"""Encapsulates the work that will be done for case 5 of __embed_frond,
since it gets used in more than one place."""
# --We should only ever see u-cases 1 and 2
if case_3:
# --We should never get here
return False
comp_d_w = abs(d_w)
#if case_1:
# --Add the frond to the left side
__insert_frond_LF(d_w, d_u, dfs_data)
# --Add uw to Lm
m = dfs_data['FG']['m']
Lm = L(m, dfs_data)
if comp_d_w < Lm['u']:
Lm['u'] = d_w
if d_u > Lm['v']:
Lm['v'] = d_u
# --Case 2 requires a bit of extra work
if case_2:
Lm['u'] = d_w
x_m1 = fn_x(m-1, dfs_data)
while comp_d_w < x_m1:
m = dfs_data['FG']['m']
x_m1 = fn_x(m-1, dfs_data)
#print "Case 5 work, u-case 1"
return True
def __do_case_6_work(d_w, d_u, case_1, case_2, case_3, dfs_data):
"""Encapsulates the work that will be done for case 6 of __embed_frond,
since it gets used in more than one place."""
# --We should only ever see u-cases 1 and 3
if case_2:
# --We should never get here
return False
comp_d_w = abs(d_w)
# --Add the frond to the right side
__insert_frond_RF(d_w, d_u, dfs_data)
# --Add uw to Rm
m = dfs_data['FG']['m']
Rm = R(m, dfs_data)
if comp_d_w < Rm['x']:
Rm['x'] = d_w
if d_u > Rm['y']:
Rm['y'] = d_u
# --Case 3 requires a bit of extra work
if case_3:
Rm['x'] = d_w
u_m1 = u(m-1, dfs_data)
while comp_d_w < u_m1:
m = dfs_data['FG']['m']
u_m1 = u(m-1, dfs_data)
#print "Case 6 work, u-case 1"
return True
def __insert_frond_RF(d_w, d_u, dfs_data):
"""Encapsulates the process of inserting a frond uw into the right side frond group."""
# --Add the frond to the right side
dfs_data['RF'].append( (d_w, d_u) )
dfs_data['FG']['r'] += 1
dfs_data['last_inserted_side'] = 'RF'
def __insert_frond_LF(d_w, d_u, dfs_data):
"""Encapsulates the process of inserting a frond uw into the left side frond group."""
# --Add the frond to the left side
dfs_data['LF'].append( (d_w, d_u) )
dfs_data['FG']['l'] += 1
dfs_data['last_inserted_side'] = 'LF'
def merge_Fm(dfs_data):
"""Merges Fm-1 and Fm, as defined on page 19 of the paper."""
FG = dfs_data['FG']
m = FG['m']
FGm = FG[m]
FGm1 = FG[m-1]
if FGm[0]['u'] < FGm1[0]['u']:
FGm1[0]['u'] = FGm[0]['u']
if FGm[0]['v'] > FGm1[0]['v']:
FGm1[0]['v'] = FGm[0]['v']
if FGm[1]['x'] < FGm1[1]['x']:
FGm1[1]['x'] = FGm[1]['x']
if FGm[1]['y'] > FGm1[1]['y']:
FGm1[1]['y'] = FGm[1]['y']
del FG[m]
FG['m'] -= 1
def switch_sides(d_u, dfs_data):
"""Switches Lm and Rm, as defined on page 20 of the paper."""
# global fn_x
m = dfs_data['FG']['m']
u_m = u(m, dfs_data)
# x_m = fn_x(m, dfs_data)
if d_u <= u_m:
l_w = lw(dfs_data)
u_m1 = u(m-1, dfs_data)
while u_m1 > l_w:
m = dfs_data['FG']['m']
u_m1 = u(m-1, dfs_data)
# l_w = r_w is handled dynamically by the switching of fronds below
# l = r
dfs_data['FG']['l'] = dfs_data['FG']['r']
# adjust r so that gr is first frond preceding xm in RF
x_m = fn_x(m, dfs_data)
r = len(dfs_data['RF']) - 1
g_r = dfs_data['RF'][r][0]
while g_r >= x_m:
r -= 1
if r < 0:
r = 0
g_r = dfs_data['RF'][r][0]
dfs_data['FG']['r'] = r
# changing r_w is also handled dynamically by the frond switching
r_w = rw(dfs_data)
x_m1 = fn_x(m-1, dfs_data)
while x_m1 > r_w:
m = dfs_data['FG']['m']
x_m1 = fn_x(m-1, dfs_data)
# r_w = l_w is handled dynamically by the switching of fronds below
# r = l
dfs_data['FG']['r'] = dfs_data['FG']['l']
# adjust l so that fl is first frond preceding um in LF
u_m = u(m, dfs_data)
l = len(dfs_data['LF']) - 1
f_l = dfs_data['LF'][l][0]
while f_l >= u_m:
l -= 1
f_l = dfs_data['LF'][l][0]
dfs_data['FG']['l'] = l
# changing l_w is also handled dynamically by the frond switching
m = dfs_data['FG']['m']
# Exchange the portion of the linked list LF between um and vm with the portion of RF between xm and ym
LF = dfs_data['LF']
RF = dfs_data['RF']
u_m = u(m, dfs_data)
v_m = v(m, dfs_data)
x_m = fn_x(m, dfs_data)
y_m = y(m, dfs_data)
# --These are the baseline indexes, they should be narrowed appropriately
first_left_index = 1
last_left_index = len(LF) - 1
first_right_index = 1
last_right_index = len(RF) - 1
# --Narrow the left indexes
while first_left_index < last_left_index:
frond = LF[first_left_index]
if u_m >= frond[0]:
first_left_index -= 1
first_left_index += 1
while first_left_index < last_left_index:
frond = LF[last_left_index]
if v_m < frond[1]:
last_left_index -= 1
last_left_index += 1
# --Narrow the right indexes
while first_right_index < last_right_index:
frond = RF[first_right_index]
if x_m >= frond[0]:
first_right_index -= 1
first_right_index += 1
while first_right_index < last_right_index:
frond = RF[last_right_index]
if y_m < frond[1]:
last_right_index -= 1
last_right_index += 1
# --Grab the appropriate list slices from each list
LF_slice = LF[first_left_index:last_left_index+1]
RF_slice = RF[first_right_index:last_right_index+1]
# --Remove the slices from each list
del LF[first_left_index:last_left_index+1]
del RF[first_right_index:last_right_index+1]
# --Add the slice from the right list to the left list
i = first_left_index
for x in RF_slice:
LF.insert(i, x)
i += 1
# --Add the slice from the left list to the right list
i = first_right_index
for x in LF_slice:
RF.insert(i, x)
i += 1
# Descriptive Note: We can just switch the slices directly because we know that if there were any conflicts from
# the switch, those fronds would also have been included in the switch.
# Exchange um and xm , vm and ym , Lm and Rm
# --Only Lm and Rm need to be exchanged, since um, xm, vm, and ym are all dynamically calculated
old_rm = dfs_data['FG'][m][1]
old_lm = dfs_data['FG'][m][0]
# --We have to convert the Lm and Rm dicts to use the correct keys
converted_rm = __convert_RF_dict_to_LF(old_rm)
converted_lm = __convert_LF_dict_to_RF(old_lm)
dfs_data['FG'][m][1] = converted_lm
dfs_data['FG'][m][0] = converted_rm
def __convert_RF_dict_to_LF(x):
"""Converts a right-side encoded frond dict into a left-side encoded frond dict. x -> u, y -> v"""
new_x = {'u': x['x'], 'v': x['y']}
return new_x
def __convert_LF_dict_to_RF(x):
"""Converts a left-side encoded frond dict into a right-side encoded frond dict. u -> x, v -> y"""
new_x = {'x': x['u'], 'y': x['v']}
return new_x
def __check_left_side_conflict(x, y, dfs_data):
"""Checks to see if the frond xy will conflict with a frond on the left side of the embedding."""
l = dfs_data['FG']['l']
w, z = dfs_data['LF'][l]
return __check_conflict_fronds(x, y, w, z, dfs_data)
def __check_right_side_conflict(x, y, dfs_data):
"""Checks to see if the frond xy will conflict with a frond on the right side of the embedding."""
r = dfs_data['FG']['r']
w, z = dfs_data['RF'][r]
return __check_conflict_fronds(x, y, w, z, dfs_data)
def __check_conflict_fronds(x, y, w, z, dfs_data):
"""Checks a pair of fronds to see if they conflict. Returns True if a conflict was found, False otherwise."""
# Case 1: False frond and corresponding branch marker
# --x and w should both be negative, and either xy or wz should be the same value uu
if x < 0 and w < 0 and (x == y or w == z):
# --Determine if the marker and frond correspond (have the same low-value)
if x == w:
return True
return False
# Case 2: Fronds with an overlap
if b(x, dfs_data) == b(w, dfs_data) and x > w and w > y and y > z:
return False
# Case 3: Branch marker and a frond on that branch
if x < 0 or w < 0:
# --Determine which one is the branch marker
if x < 0:
u = abs(x)
t = y
x = w
y = z
u = abs(w)
t = z
# --Run the rest of the tests
if b(x, dfs_data) == u and y < u and \
(x, y) in __dfsify_branch_uv(u, t, dfs_data):
return True
return False
# If non of the conflict conditions were met, then there are obviously no conflicts
return False
def __dfsify_branch_uv(u, v, dfs_data):
"""Helper function to convert the output of Bu(v) from edge ids to dfs-ordered fronds."""
buv = B(u, v, dfs_data)
new_list = []
for edge_id in buv:
edge = dfs_data['graph'].get_edge(edge_id)
j, k = edge['vertices']
d_x = D(j, dfs_data)
d_y = D(k, dfs_data)
if d_x < d_y:
smaller = d_x
larger = d_y
smaller = d_y
larger = d_x
frond = (smaller, larger)
return new_list
# Helper functions -- these are not directly specified by the overall algorithm, they just calculate intermediate data
def __get_dfs_data(graph, adj=None):
"""Internal function that calculates the depth-first search of the graph.
Returns a dictionary with the following data:
* 'ordering': A dfs-ordering list of nodes
* 'ordering_lookup': A lookup dict mapping nodes to dfs-ordering
* 'node_lookup': A lookup dict mapping dfs-ordering to nodes
* 'edge_lookup': A lookup dict mapping edges as tree-edges or back-edges
* 'parent_lookup': A lookup dict mapping nodes to their parent node
* 'children_lookup': A lookup dict mapping nodes to their children
ordering, parent_lookup, children_lookup = depth_first_search_with_parent_data(graph, adjacency_lists=adj)
ordering_lookup = dict(list(zip(ordering, list(range(1, len(ordering) + 1)))))
node_lookup = dict(list(zip(list(range(1, len(ordering) + 1)), ordering)))
edge_lookup = {}
for edge_id in graph.get_all_edge_ids():
edge = graph.get_edge(edge_id)
node_a, node_b = edge['vertices']
parent_a = parent_lookup[node_a]
parent_b = parent_lookup[node_b]
if parent_a == node_b or parent_b == node_a:
edge_lookup[edge_id] = 'tree-edge'
edge_lookup[edge_id] = 'backedge'
dfs_data = {}
dfs_data['ordering'] = ordering
dfs_data['ordering_lookup'] = ordering_lookup
dfs_data['node_lookup'] = node_lookup
dfs_data['edge_lookup'] = edge_lookup
dfs_data['parent_lookup'] = parent_lookup
dfs_data['children_lookup'] = children_lookup
return dfs_data
def __calculate_adjacency_lists(graph):
"""Builds an adjacency list representation for the graph, since we can't guarantee that the
internal representation of the graph is stored that way."""
adj = {}
for node in graph.get_all_node_ids():
neighbors = graph.neighbors(node)
adj[node] = neighbors
return adj
def __get_all_lowpoints(dfs_data):
"""Calculates the lowpoints for each node in a graph."""
lowpoint_1_lookup = {}
lowpoint_2_lookup = {}
ordering = dfs_data['ordering']
for node in ordering:
low_1, low_2 = __get_lowpoints(node, dfs_data)
lowpoint_1_lookup[node] = low_1
lowpoint_2_lookup[node] = low_2
return lowpoint_1_lookup, lowpoint_2_lookup
def __get_lowpoints(node, dfs_data):
"""Calculates the lowpoints for a single node in a graph."""
ordering_lookup = dfs_data['ordering_lookup']
t_u = T(node, dfs_data)
sorted_t_u = sorted(t_u, key=lambda a: ordering_lookup[a])
lowpoint_1 = sorted_t_u[0]
lowpoint_2 = sorted_t_u[1]
return lowpoint_1, lowpoint_2
def __edge_weight(edge_id, dfs_data):
"""Calculates the edge weight used to sort edges."""
graph = dfs_data['graph']
edge_lookup = dfs_data['edge_lookup']
edge = graph.get_edge(edge_id)
u, v = edge['vertices']
d_u = D(u, dfs_data)
d_v = D(v, dfs_data)
lp_1 = L1(v, dfs_data)
d_lp_1 = D(lp_1, dfs_data)
if edge_lookup[edge_id] == 'backedge' and d_v < d_u:
return 2*d_v
elif is_type_I_branch(u, v, dfs_data):
return 2*d_lp_1
elif is_type_II_branch(u, v, dfs_data):
return 2*d_lp_1 + 1
return 2*graph.num_nodes() + 1
def __calculate_bu_dfs(dfs_data):
"""Calculates the b(u) lookup table."""
u = dfs_data['ordering'][0]
b = {}
b[u] = D(u, dfs_data)
__calculate_bu_dfs_recursively(u, b, dfs_data)
return b
def __calculate_bu_dfs_recursively(u, b, dfs_data):
"""Calculates the b(u) lookup table with a recursive DFS."""
first_time = True
for v in dfs_data['adj'][u]:
if a(v, dfs_data) == u:
if first_time:
b[v] = b[u]
b[v] = D(u, dfs_data)
__calculate_bu_dfs_recursively(v, b, dfs_data)
first_time = False
def is_type_I_branch(u, v, dfs_data):
"""Determines whether a branch uv is a type I branch."""
if u != a(v, dfs_data):
return False
if u == L2(v, dfs_data):
return True
return False
def is_type_II_branch(u, v, dfs_data):
"""Determines whether a branch uv is a type II branch."""
if u != a(v, dfs_data):
return False
if u < L2(v, dfs_data):
return True
return False
def is_leaf(v, dfs_data):
"""Determines if v is a leaf (has no descendants)."""
return True if S(v, dfs_data) else False
def is_frond(u, v, dfs_data):
"""Determines if the edge uv is a frond ("backedge")."""
d_u = D(u, dfs_data)
d_v = D(v, dfs_data)
edge_id = dfs_data['graph'].get_first_edge_id_by_node_ids(u, v)
return True if dfs_data['edge_lookup'][edge_id] == 'backedge' and d_v < d_u else False
def __get_descendants(node, dfs_data):
"""Gets the descendants of a node."""
list_of_descendants = []
stack = deque()
children_lookup = dfs_data['children_lookup']
current_node = node
children = children_lookup[current_node]
dfs_current_node = D(current_node, dfs_data)
for n in children:
dfs_child = D(n, dfs_data)
# Validate that the child node is actually a descendant and not an ancestor
if dfs_child > dfs_current_node:
while len(stack) > 0:
current_node = stack.pop()
children = children_lookup[current_node]
dfs_current_node = D(current_node, dfs_data)
for n in children:
dfs_child = D(n, dfs_data)
# Validate that the child node is actually a descendant and not an ancestor
if dfs_child > dfs_current_node:
return list_of_descendants
def __top_frond_left(dfs_data):
"""Returns the frond at the top of the LF stack."""
return dfs_data['LF'][-1]
def __top_frond_right(dfs_data):
"""Returns the frond at the top of the RF stack."""
return dfs_data['RF'][-1]
# Wrapper functions -- used to keep the syntax roughly the same as that used in the paper
def A(u, dfs_data):
"""The adjacency function."""
return dfs_data['adj'][u]
def a(v, dfs_data):
"""The ancestor function."""
return dfs_data['parent_lookup'][v]
def D(u, dfs_data):
"""The DFS-numbering function."""
return dfs_data['ordering_lookup'][u]
def S(u, dfs_data):
"""The set of all descendants of u."""
return __get_descendants(u, dfs_data)
def S_star(u, dfs_data):
"""The set of all descendants of u, with u added."""
s_u = S(u, dfs_data)
if u not in s_u:
return s_u
def T(u, dfs_data):
"""T(u) consists of all vertices adjacent to u or any descendant of u."""
return list(set([w for v in S_star(u, dfs_data) for w in A(v, dfs_data)]))
def B(u, v, dfs_data):
"""The branch at u containing v is the set of all edges incident on v or any descendant of v, if a(v) == u."""
"""Bu(v) = {wx | w is in S*(v)}"""
if a(v, dfs_data) != u:
return None
return list(set([edge_id for w in S_star(v, dfs_data) for edge_id in dfs_data['graph'].get_node(w)['edges']]))
def stem(u, v, dfs_data):
"""The stem of Bu(v) is the edge uv in Bu(v)."""
#return dfs_data['graph'].get_first_edge_id_by_node_ids(u, v)
uv_edges = dfs_data['graph'].get_edge_ids_by_node_ids(u, v)
buv_edges = B(u, v, dfs_data)
for edge_id in uv_edges:
if edge_id in buv_edges:
return edge_id
return None # We should never, ever get here
def L1(v, dfs_data):
"""The L1 lowpoint of the node."""
return dfs_data['lowpoint_1_lookup'][v]
def L2(v, dfs_data):
"""The L2 lowpoint of the node."""
return dfs_data['lowpoint_2_lookup'][v]
def wt(u, v, dfs_data):
"""The wt_u[v] function used in the paper."""
# Determine the edge_id
edge_id = dfs_data['graph'].get_first_edge_id_by_node_ids(u, v)
# Pull the weight of that edge
return dfs_data['edge_weights'][edge_id]
def _L(dfs_data):
"""L(T) contains leaves and branch points for the DFS-tree T."""
"""L(T) = {v | the first w in Adj[v] corresponds to a frond vw}."""
node_set = set()
for v, adj in list(dfs_data['adj'].items()):
w = adj[0]
if is_frond(v, w, dfs_data):
return list(node_set)
def b(u, dfs_data):
"""The b(u) function used in the paper."""
return dfs_data['b_u_lookup'][u]
def N(u, dfs_data):
"""The N(u) function used in the paper."""
return dfs_data['N_u_lookup'][u]
def N_prime(u, dfs_data):
"""The N'(u) function used in the paper."""
return dfs_data['N_prime_u_lookup'][u]
def F(i, dfs_data):
"""The block of fronds in the frond graph."""
return dfs_data['FG'][i]
def L(i, dfs_data):
"""The set of fronds on the left side of the frond graph."""
return F(i, dfs_data)[0]
def R(i, dfs_data):
"""The set of fronds on the right side of the frond graph."""
return F(i, dfs_data)[1]
def u(i, dfs_data):
"""The minimum vertex (DFS-number) in a frond contained in Li."""
return L(i, dfs_data)['u']
def v(i, dfs_data):
"""The maximum vertex (DFS-number) in a frond contained in Li."""
return L(i, dfs_data)['v']
def fn_x(i, dfs_data):
"""The minimum vertex (DFS-number) in a frond contained in Ri."""
return R(i, dfs_data)['x']
except Exception as e:
# Page 17 states that if Ri is empty, then we take xi to be n
return dfs_data['graph'].num_nodes()
def y(i, dfs_data):
"""The maximum vertex (DFS-number) in a frond contained in Ri."""
return R(i, dfs_data)['y']
except Exception as e:
# Page 17 states that if Ri is empty, then we take yi to be 0
return 0
def lw(dfs_data):
"""The minimum frond endpoint that can be embedded on the left side of the current frond block."""
l = dfs_data['FG']['l']
return dfs_data['LF'][l][0]
def rw(dfs_data):
"""The minimum frond endpoint that can be embedded on the right side of the current frond block."""
r = dfs_data['FG']['r']
return dfs_data['RF'][r][0]
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