Mini Shell
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# import types so that we can reference ListType in sphinx param declarations.
# We can't just use list, because sphinx gets confused by
# openstack.resource.Resource.list and openstack.resource2.Resource.list
import types # noqa
from import exc
from import _normalize
from import _utils
class CoeCloudMixin(_normalize.Normalizer):
def _container_infra_client(self):
if 'container-infra' not in self._raw_clients:
self._raw_clients['container-infra'] = self._get_raw_client(
return self._raw_clients['container-infra']
def list_coe_clusters(self):
"""List COE(Ccontainer Orchestration Engine) cluster.
:returns: a list of dicts containing the cluster.
:raises: ``OpenStackCloudException``: if something goes wrong during
the OpenStack API call.
with _utils.shade_exceptions("Error fetching cluster list"):
data = self._container_infra_client.get('/clusters')
return self._normalize_coe_clusters(
self._get_and_munchify('clusters', data))
def search_coe_clusters(
self, name_or_id=None, filters=None):
"""Search COE cluster.
:param name_or_id: cluster name or ID.
:param filters: a dict containing additional filters to use.
:param detail: a boolean to control if we need summarized or
detailed output.
:returns: a list of dict containing the cluster
:raises: ``OpenStackCloudException``: if something goes wrong during
the OpenStack API call.
coe_clusters = self.list_coe_clusters()
return _utils._filter_list(
coe_clusters, name_or_id, filters)
def get_coe_cluster(self, name_or_id, filters=None):
"""Get a COE cluster by name or ID.
:param name_or_id: Name or ID of the cluster.
:param filters:
A dictionary of meta data to use for further filtering. Elements
of this dictionary may, themselves, be dictionaries. Example::
'last_name': 'Smith',
'other': {
'gender': 'Female'
A string containing a jmespath expression for further filtering.
Example:: "[?last_name==`Smith`] | [?other.gender]==`Female`]"
:returns: A cluster dict or None if no matching cluster is found.
return _utils._get_entity(self, 'coe_cluster', name_or_id,
def create_coe_cluster(
self, name, cluster_template_id, **kwargs):
"""Create a COE cluster based on given cluster template.
:param string name: Name of the cluster.
:param string image_id: ID of the cluster template to use.
Other arguments will be passed in kwargs.
:returns: a dict containing the cluster description
:raises: ``OpenStackCloudException`` if something goes wrong during
the OpenStack API call
error_message = ("Error creating cluster of name"
" {cluster_name}".format(cluster_name=name))
with _utils.shade_exceptions(error_message):
body = kwargs.copy()
body['name'] = name
body['cluster_template_id'] = cluster_template_id
cluster =
'/clusters', json=body)
return self._normalize_coe_cluster(cluster)
def delete_coe_cluster(self, name_or_id):
"""Delete a COE cluster.
:param name_or_id: Name or unique ID of the cluster.
:returns: True if the delete succeeded, False if the
cluster was not found.
:raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error.
cluster = self.get_coe_cluster(name_or_id)
if not cluster:
"COE Cluster %(name_or_id)s does not exist",
{'name_or_id': name_or_id},
return False
with _utils.shade_exceptions("Error in deleting COE cluster"):
return True
def update_coe_cluster(self, name_or_id, operation, **kwargs):
"""Update a COE cluster.
:param name_or_id: Name or ID of the COE cluster being updated.
:param operation: Operation to perform - add, remove, replace.
Other arguments will be passed with kwargs.
:returns: a dict representing the updated cluster.
:raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error.
cluster = self.get_coe_cluster(name_or_id)
if not cluster:
raise exc.OpenStackCloudException(
"COE cluster %s not found." % name_or_id)
if operation not in ['add', 'replace', 'remove']:
raise TypeError(
"%s operation not in 'add', 'replace', 'remove'" % operation)
patches = _utils.generate_patches_from_kwargs(operation, **kwargs)
# No need to fire an API call if there is an empty patch
if not patches:
return cluster
with _utils.shade_exceptions(
"Error updating COE cluster {0}".format(name_or_id)):
new_cluster = self.get_coe_cluster(name_or_id)
return new_cluster
def get_coe_cluster_certificate(self, cluster_id):
"""Get details about the CA certificate for a cluster by name or ID.
:param cluster_id: ID of the cluster.
:returns: Details about the CA certificate for the given cluster.
msg = ("Error fetching CA cert for the cluster {cluster_id}".format(
url = "/certificates/{cluster_id}".format(cluster_id=cluster_id)
data = self._container_infra_client.get(url,
return self._get_and_munchify(key=None, data=data)
def sign_coe_cluster_certificate(self, cluster_id, csr):
"""Sign client key and generate the CA certificate for a cluster
:param cluster_id: UUID of the cluster.
:param csr: Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for authenticating
client key.The CSR will be used by Magnum to generate
a signed certificate that client will use to communicate
with the cluster.
:returns: a dict representing the signed certs.
:raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error.
error_message = ("Error signing certs for cluster"
" {cluster_id}".format(cluster_id=cluster_id))
with _utils.shade_exceptions(error_message):
body = {}
body['cluster_uuid'] = cluster_id
body['csr'] = csr
certs =
'/certificates', json=body)
return self._get_and_munchify(key=None, data=certs)
def list_cluster_templates(self, detail=False):
"""List cluster templates.
:param bool detail. Ignored. Included for backwards compat.
ClusterTemplates are always returned with full details.
:returns: a list of dicts containing the cluster template details.
:raises: ``OpenStackCloudException``: if something goes wrong during
the OpenStack API call.
with _utils.shade_exceptions("Error fetching cluster template list"):
data = self._container_infra_client.get('/clustertemplates')
# NOTE(flwang): Magnum adds /clustertemplates and /cluster
# to deprecate /baymodels and /bay since Newton release. So
# we're using a small tag to indicate if current
# cloud has those two new API endpoints.
self._container_infra_client._has_magnum_after_newton = True
return self._normalize_cluster_templates(
self._get_and_munchify('clustertemplates', data))
except exc.OpenStackCloudURINotFound:
data = self._container_infra_client.get('/baymodels/detail')
return self._normalize_cluster_templates(
self._get_and_munchify('baymodels', data))
list_baymodels = list_cluster_templates
list_coe_cluster_templates = list_cluster_templates
def search_cluster_templates(
self, name_or_id=None, filters=None, detail=False):
"""Search cluster templates.
:param name_or_id: cluster template name or ID.
:param filters: a dict containing additional filters to use.
:param detail: a boolean to control if we need summarized or
detailed output.
:returns: a list of dict containing the cluster templates
:raises: ``OpenStackCloudException``: if something goes wrong during
the OpenStack API call.
cluster_templates = self.list_cluster_templates(detail=detail)
return _utils._filter_list(
cluster_templates, name_or_id, filters)
search_baymodels = search_cluster_templates
search_coe_cluster_templates = search_cluster_templates
def get_cluster_template(self, name_or_id, filters=None, detail=False):
"""Get a cluster template by name or ID.
:param name_or_id: Name or ID of the cluster template.
:param filters:
A dictionary of meta data to use for further filtering. Elements
of this dictionary may, themselves, be dictionaries. Example::
'last_name': 'Smith',
'other': {
'gender': 'Female'
A string containing a jmespath expression for further filtering.
Example:: "[?last_name==`Smith`] | [?other.gender]==`Female`]"
:returns: A cluster template dict or None if no matching
cluster template is found.
return _utils._get_entity(self, 'cluster_template', name_or_id,
filters=filters, detail=detail)
get_baymodel = get_cluster_template
get_coe_cluster_template = get_cluster_template
def create_cluster_template(
self, name, image_id=None, keypair_id=None, coe=None, **kwargs):
"""Create a cluster template.
:param string name: Name of the cluster template.
:param string image_id: Name or ID of the image to use.
:param string keypair_id: Name or ID of the keypair to use.
:param string coe: Name of the coe for the cluster template.
Other arguments will be passed in kwargs.
:returns: a dict containing the cluster template description
:raises: ``OpenStackCloudException`` if something goes wrong during
the OpenStack API call
error_message = ("Error creating cluster template of name"
" {cluster_template_name}".format(
with _utils.shade_exceptions(error_message):
body = kwargs.copy()
body['name'] = name
body['image_id'] = image_id
body['keypair_id'] = keypair_id
body['coe'] = coe
cluster_template =
'/clustertemplates', json=body)
self._container_infra_client._has_magnum_after_newton = True
except exc.OpenStackCloudURINotFound:
cluster_template =
'/baymodels', json=body)
return self._normalize_cluster_template(cluster_template)
create_baymodel = create_cluster_template
create_coe_cluster_template = create_cluster_template
def delete_cluster_template(self, name_or_id):
"""Delete a cluster template.
:param name_or_id: Name or unique ID of the cluster template.
:returns: True if the delete succeeded, False if the
cluster template was not found.
:raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error.
cluster_template = self.get_cluster_template(name_or_id)
if not cluster_template:
"Cluster template %(name_or_id)s does not exist",
{'name_or_id': name_or_id},
return False
with _utils.shade_exceptions("Error in deleting cluster template"):
if getattr(self._container_infra_client,
'_has_magnum_after_newton', False):
return True
delete_baymodel = delete_cluster_template
delete_coe_cluster_template = delete_cluster_template
@_utils.valid_kwargs('name', 'image_id', 'flavor_id', 'master_flavor_id',
'keypair_id', 'external_network_id', 'fixed_network',
'dns_nameserver', 'docker_volume_size', 'labels',
'coe', 'http_proxy', 'https_proxy', 'no_proxy',
'network_driver', 'tls_disabled', 'public',
'registry_enabled', 'volume_driver')
def update_cluster_template(self, name_or_id, operation, **kwargs):
"""Update a cluster template.
:param name_or_id: Name or ID of the cluster template being updated.
:param operation: Operation to perform - add, remove, replace.
Other arguments will be passed with kwargs.
:returns: a dict representing the updated cluster template.
:raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error.
cluster_template = self.get_cluster_template(name_or_id)
if not cluster_template:
raise exc.OpenStackCloudException(
"Cluster template %s not found." % name_or_id)
if operation not in ['add', 'replace', 'remove']:
raise TypeError(
"%s operation not in 'add', 'replace', 'remove'" % operation)
patches = _utils.generate_patches_from_kwargs(operation, **kwargs)
# No need to fire an API call if there is an empty patch
if not patches:
return cluster_template
with _utils.shade_exceptions(
"Error updating cluster template {0}".format(name_or_id)):
if getattr(self._container_infra_client,
'_has_magnum_after_newton', False):
new_cluster_template = self.get_cluster_template(name_or_id)
return new_cluster_template
update_baymodel = update_cluster_template
update_coe_cluster_template = update_cluster_template
def list_magnum_services(self):
"""List all Magnum services.
:returns: a list of dicts containing the service details.
:raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error.
with _utils.shade_exceptions("Error fetching Magnum services list"):
data = self._container_infra_client.get('/mservices')
return self._normalize_magnum_services(
self._get_and_munchify('mservices', data))
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0