Mini Shell
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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__all__ = [
from libcloud.utils.xml import findtext, findall
from libcloud.loadbalancer.types import State
from libcloud.loadbalancer.base import Driver, LoadBalancer, Member
from import AWSGenericResponse, SignedAWSConnection
VERSION = '2015-12-01'
HOST = ''
ROOT = '/%s/' % (VERSION)
NS = '' % (VERSION, )
class ALBResponse(AWSGenericResponse):
Amazon ALB response class.
namespace = NS
exceptions = {}
xpath = 'Error'
class ALBConnection(SignedAWSConnection):
version = VERSION
host = HOST
responseCls = ALBResponse
service_name = 'elasticloadbalancing'
class ALBTargetGroup(object):
AWS ALB target group class
def __init__(self, target_group_id, name, protocol, port, vpc, driver,
health_check_timeout=5, health_check_port="traffic-port",
health_check_path="/", health_check_proto="HTTP",
health_check_matcher="200", health_check_interval=30,
healthy_threshold=5, unhealthy_threshold=2, balancers=[],
members=[]): = target_group_id = name
self.protocol = protocol
self.port = port
self.vpc = vpc
self.health_check_timeout = health_check_timeout
self.health_check_port = health_check_port
self.health_check_path = health_check_path
self.health_check_proto = health_check_proto
self.health_check_matcher = health_check_matcher
self.health_check_interval = health_check_interval
self.healthy_threshold = healthy_threshold
self.unhealthy_threshold = unhealthy_threshold
self._balancers = balancers
self._balancers_arns = [ for lb in balancers] if balancers else []
self._members = members
self._members_ids = [ for mb in members] if members else []
self._driver = driver
def balancers(self):
if not self._balancers and self._balancers_arns:
self._balancers = []
for balancer_arn in self._balancers_arns:
return self._balancers
def balancers(self, val):
self._balancers = val
self._balancers_arns = [ for lb in val] if val else []
def members(self):
if not self._members:
mbrs = self._driver._ex_get_target_group_members(self)
self._members = mbrs
self._members_ids = [ for mb in mbrs] if mbrs else []
return self._members
def members(self, val):
self._members = val
self._members_ids = [ for mb in val] if val else []
class ALBListener(object):
AWS ALB listener class
def __init__(self, listener_id, protocol, port, balancer, driver,
action="", ssl_policy="", ssl_certificate="", rules=[]): = listener_id
self.protocol = protocol
self.port = port
self.action = action
self.ssl_policy = ssl_policy
self.ssl_certificate = ssl_certificate
self._balancer = balancer
self._balancer_arn = if balancer else None
self._rules = rules
self._driver = driver
def balancer(self):
if not self._balancer and self._balancer_arn:
self._balancer = self._driver.get_balancer(self._balancer_arn)
return self._balancer
def balancer(self, val):
self._balancer = val
self._balancer_arn =
def rules(self):
if not self._rules:
self._rules = self._driver._ex_get_rules_for_listener(self)
return self._rules
def rules(self, val):
self._rules = val
class ALBRule(object):
AWS ALB listener rule class
def __init__(self, rule_id, is_default, priority, target_group, driver,
conditions={}, listener=None): = rule_id
self.is_default = is_default
self.priority = priority
self.conditions = conditions
self._listener = listener
self._listener_arn = if listener else None
self._target_group = target_group
self._target_group_arn = if target_group else None
self._driver = driver
def target_group(self):
if not self._target_group and self._target_group_arn:
self._target_group = self._driver.ex_get_target_group(
return self._target_group
def target_group(self, val):
self._target_group = val
self._target_group_arn =
def listener(self):
if not self._listener and self._listener_arn:
self._listener = self.driver.ex_get_listener(self._listener_arn)
return self._listener
def listener(self, val):
self._listener = val
self._listener_arn =
class ApplicationLBDriver(Driver):
name = 'Amazon Application Load Balancing'
website = ''
connectionCls = ALBConnection
signature_version = '4'
def __init__(self, access_id, secret, region, token=None):
self.token = token
self.region = region
self.region_name = region
super(ApplicationLBDriver, self).__init__(
access_id, secret, token=token, host=HOST % region, region=region
def list_protocols(self):
Return list of protocols supported by driver
:rtype: ``list`` of ``strings``
return ['http', 'https']
def list_balancers(self):
List all load balancers
:rtype: ``list`` of :class:`LoadBalancer`
params = {'Action': 'DescribeLoadBalancers'}
data = self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params).object
return self._to_balancers(data)
def get_balancer(self, balancer_id):
Get a load balancer object by ARN
:param balancer_id: ARN of load balancer you wish to fetch.
:type balancer_id: ``str``
:rtype: :class:`LoadBalancer`
params = {
'Action': 'DescribeLoadBalancers',
'LoadBalancerArns.member.1': balancer_id
data = self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params).object
return self._to_balancers(data)[0]
def create_balancer(self, name, port, protocol, algorithm, members,
ex_scheme=None, ex_security_groups=None,
ex_subnets=None, ex_tags=None, ex_ssl_cert_arn=None):
Create a new load balancer instance.
AWS ALB balancer creation consists of 5 steps:
create_balancer() is a standard API method so, it's made as a wrapper
here to preserve compatibility with other drivers where LB creation
is one-step process. It calls respective ALB methods to assemble
ready-to-use load balancer.
:param name: Name of the new load balancer
:type name: ``str``
:param port: Port number to setup load balancer listener
:type port: ``int``
:param protocol: Load balancer protocol, should be 'HTTP' or 'HTTPS'.
:type protocol: ``str``
:param algorithm: Load balancing algorithm. Ignored for AWS ALB.
:type algorithm: :class:`Algorithm` or ``None``
:param members: List of Members to attach to the balancer. If 'port'
attribute is set for the memeber - load balancer will
send traffic there. Otherwise - load balancer port is
used on the memeber's side. 'ip' attribute is ignored.
:type members: ``list`` of :class:`Member`
:param ex_scheme: Scheme of load balancer. Can be 'internet-facing' or
:type ex_scheme: ``str``
:param ex_security_groups: List of load balancer security group ids.
:type ex_security_groups: ``list`` of ``str``
:param ex_subnets: List of load balancer subnet ids.
:type ex_subnets: ``list`` of ``str``
:param ex_tags: Tags to assign to the load balancer.
:type ex_tags: ``dict``
:param ex_ssl_cert_arn: SSL certificate ARN to use when load balancer
protocol is 'HTTPS'.
:type ex_ssl_cert_arn: ``str``
:return: LoadBalancer object
:rtype: :class:`LoadBalancer`
ex_scheme = ex_scheme or ""
ex_security_groups = ex_security_groups or []
ex_subnets = ex_subnets or []
ex_tags = ex_tags or {}
ex_ssl_cert_arn = ex_ssl_cert_arn or ""
balancer = self.ex_create_balancer(name, scheme=ex_scheme,
subnets=ex_subnets, tags=ex_tags)
target_group = self.ex_create_target_group(
name + "-tg", port, protocol, balancer.extra.get('vpc'),
self.ex_register_targets(target_group, members)
listener = self.ex_create_listener(balancer, port, protocol,
balancer.extra['listener'] = listener
return balancer
def ex_create_balancer(self, name, addr_type="ipv4",
scheme="internet-facing", security_groups=None,
subnets=None, tags=None):
AWS-specific method to create a new load balancer. Since ALB is a
composite object (load balancer, target group, listener etc) - extra
methods must be called to assemble ready-to-use balancer.
:param name: Name of the new load balancer
:type name: ``str``
:param addr_type: Load balancer address type. Can be 'ipv4' or 'ipv6'.
:type addr_type: ``str``
:param scheme: Scheme of load balancer. Can be 'internet-facing' or
:type scheme: ``str``
:param security_groups: List of load balancer security group ids.
:type security_groups: ``list`` of ``str``
:param subnets: List of load balancer subnet ids.
:type subnets: ``list`` of ``str``
:param tags: Tags to assign to the load balancer.
:type tags: ``dict``
:return: LoadBalancer object
:rtype: :class:`LoadBalancer`
security_groups = security_groups or []
subnets = subnets or []
tags = tags or {}
# mandatory params
params = {
'Action': 'CreateLoadBalancer',
'Name': name
idx = 0
for subnet in subnets:
idx += 1
params['Subnets.member.' + str(idx)] = subnet
# optional params
'IpAddressType': addr_type, # Valid Values: ipv4 | dualstack
'Scheme': scheme # Valid Values: internet-facing | internal
idx = 0
for sg in security_groups:
idx += 1
params['SecurityGroups.member.' + str(idx)] = sg
idx = 0
for k, v in tags.items():
idx += 1
params['Tags.member.' + str(idx) + '.Key'] = k
params['Tags.member.' + str(idx) + '.Value'] = v
data = self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params).object
xpath = 'CreateLoadBalancerResult/LoadBalancers/member'
for el in findall(element=data, xpath=xpath, namespace=NS):
balancer = self._to_balancer(el)
return balancer
def ex_create_target_group(self, name, port, proto, vpc,
health_check_interval=30, health_check_path="/",
health_check_matcher="200", healthy_threshold=5,
Create a target group for AWS ALB load balancer.
:param name: Name of target group
:type name: ``str``
:param port: The port on which the targets receive traffic.
This port is used unless you specify a port override when
registering the target.
:type port: ``int``
:param proto: The protocol to use for routing traffic to the targets.
Can be 'HTTP' or 'HTTPS'.
:type proto: ``str``
:param vpc: The identifier of the virtual private cloud (VPC).
:type vpc: ``str``
:param health_check_interval: The approximate amount of time, in
seconds, between health checks of an
individual target. The default is
30 seconds.
:type health_check_interval: ``int``
:param health_check_path: The ping path that is the destination on
the targets for health checks. The default is /
:type health_check_path: ``str``
:param health_check_port: The port the load balancer uses when
performing health checks on targets.
The default is traffic-port, which indicates
the port on which each target receives traffic
from the load balancer.
:type health_check_port: ``str``
:param health_check_proto: The protocol the load balancer uses when
performing health checks on targets.
Can be 'HTTP' (default) or 'HTTPS'.
:type health_check_proto: ``str``
:param health_check_timeout: The amount of time, in seconds, during
which no response from a target means
a failed health check. The default is 5s.
:type health_check_timeout: ``int``
:param health_check_matcher: The HTTP codes to use when checking for
a successful response from a target.
Valid values: "200", "200,202", "200-299".
:type health_check_matcher: ``str``
:param healthy_threshold: The number of consecutive health checks
successes required before considering
an unhealthy target healthy. The default is 5
:type healthy_threshold: ``int``
:param unhealthy_threshold: The number of consecutive health check
failures required before considering
a target unhealthy. The default is 2.
:type unhealthy_threshold: ``int``
:return: Target group object.
:rtype: :class:`ALBTargetGroup`
# mandatory params
params = {
'Action': 'CreateTargetGroup',
'Name': name,
'Protocol': proto,
'Port': port,
'VpcId': vpc
# optional params
# Valid Values: Min value of 5. Max value of 300.
'HealthCheckIntervalSeconds': health_check_interval,
'HealthCheckPath': health_check_path,
'HealthCheckPort': health_check_port,
# Valid Values: HTTP | HTTPS
'HealthCheckProtocol': health_check_proto,
# Valid Range: Min value of 2. Max value of 60.
'HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds': health_check_timeout,
# Valid Range: Minimum value of 2. Maximum value of 10.
'HealthyThresholdCount': healthy_threshold,
# Valid Range: Minimum value of 2. Maximum value of 10.
'UnhealthyThresholdCount': unhealthy_threshold,
# Valid values: "200", "200,202", "200-299"
'Matcher.HttpCode': health_check_matcher
data = self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params).object
xpath = 'CreateTargetGroupResult/TargetGroups/member'
for el in findall(element=data, xpath=xpath, namespace=NS):
target_group = self._to_target_group(el)
return target_group
def ex_register_targets(self, target_group, members=None):
Register members as targets at target group
:param target_group: Target group dict where register members.
:type target_group: ``dict``
:param members: List of Members to attach to the balancer. If 'port'
attribute is set for the memeber - load balancer will
send traffic there. Otherwise - load balancer port is
used on the memeber's side. 'ip' attribute is ignored.
:type members: ``list`` of :class:`Member`
:return: True on success, False if no members provided.
:rtype: ``bool``
members = members or []
# mandatory params
params = {
'Action': 'RegisterTargets',
if not members:
return False
idx = 0
for member in members:
idx += 1
params['Targets.member.' + str(idx) + '.Id'] =
if member.port:
params['Targets.member.' + str(idx) + '.Port'] = member.port
# RegisterTargets doesn't return any useful data
self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params)
target_group.members = members
return True
def ex_create_listener(self, balancer, port, proto, target_group,
action="forward", ssl_cert_arn=None,
Create a listener for application load balancer
:param balancer: LoadBalancer to create listener for
:type balancer: :class:`LoadBalancer`
:param port: Port number to setup load balancer listener
:type port: ``int``
:param proto: Load balancer protocol, should be 'HTTP' or 'HTTPS'.
:type proto: ``str``
:param target_group: Target group associated with the listener.
:type target_group: :class:`ALBTargetGroup`
:param action: Default action for the listener,
valid value is 'forward'
:type action: ``str``
:param ssl_cert_arn: SSL certificate ARN to use when listener protocol
is 'HTTPS'.
:type ssl_cert_arn: ``str``
:param ssl_policy: The security policy that defines which ciphers and
protocols are supported. The default is the current
predefined security policy.
Example: 'ELBSecurityPolicy-2016-08'
:type ssl_policy: ``str``
:return: Listener object
:rtype: :class:`ALBListener`
ssl_cert_arn = ssl_cert_arn or ""
ssl_policy = ssl_policy or ""
# mandatory params
params = {
'Action': 'CreateListener',
'Protocol': proto, # Valid Values: HTTP | HTTPS
'Port': port, # Valid Range: Min value of 1. Max value of 65535.
'DefaultActions.member.1.Type': action,
# optional params
if proto == "HTTPS":
params['Certificates.member.1.CertificateArn'] = ssl_cert_arn
if ssl_policy:
params['SslPolicy'] = ssl_policy
data = self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params).object
xpath = 'CreateListenerResult/Listeners/member'
for el in findall(element=data, xpath=xpath, namespace=NS):
listener = self._to_listener(el)
listener.balancer = balancer
return listener
def ex_create_listener_rule(self, listener, priority, target_group,
action="forward", condition_field=None,
Create a rule for listener.
:param listener: Listener object where to create rule
:type listener: :class:`ALBListener`
:param priority: The priority for the rule. A listener can't have
multiple rules with the same priority.
:type priority: ``str``
:param target_group: Target group object to associate with rule
:type target_group: :class:`ALBTargetGroup`
:param action: Action for the rule, valid value is 'forward'
:type action: ``str``
:param condition_field: Rule condition field name. The possible values
are 'host-header' and 'path-pattern'.
:type condition_field: ``str``
:param condition_value: Value to match. Wildcards are supported, for
example: '/img/*'
:return: Rule object
:rtype: :class:`ALBRule`
condition_field = condition_field or ""
condition_value = condition_value or ""
# mandatory params
params = {
'Action': 'CreateRule',
'Priority': priority, # Valid Range: Min value of 1. Max: 99999.
'Actions.member.1.Type': action,
# Valid values are host-header and path-pattern.
'Conditions.member.1.Field': condition_field,
'Conditions.member.1.Values.member.1': condition_value
data = self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params).object
xpath = 'CreateRuleResult/Rules/member'
for el in findall(element=data, xpath=xpath, namespace=NS):
rule = self._to_rule(el)
rule.listener = listener
return rule
def ex_get_target_group(self, target_group_id):
Get target group object by ARN
:param target_group_id: ARN of target group
:type target_group_id: ``str``
:return: Target group object
:rtype: :class:`ALBTargetGroup`
# mandatory params
params = {
'Action': 'DescribeTargetGroups',
'TargetGroupArns.member.1': target_group_id
data = self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params).object
return self._to_target_groups(data)[0]
def ex_get_listener(self, listener_id):
Get listener object by ARN
:param listener_id: ARN of listener object to get
:type listener_id: ``str``
:return: Listener object
:rtype: :class:`ALBListener`
# mandatory params
params = {
'Action': 'DescribeListeners',
'ListenerArns.member.1': listener_id
data = self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params).object
return self._to_listeners(data)[0]
def ex_get_rule(self, rule_id):
Get rule by ARN.
:param rule_id: ARN of rule
:type rule_id: ``str``
:return: Rule object
:rtype: :class:`ALBRule`
params = {
'Action': 'DescribeRules',
'RuleArns.member.1': rule_id
data = self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params).object
return self._to_rules(data)[0]
def _to_listeners(self, data):
xpath = 'DescribeListenersResult/Listeners/member'
return [self._to_listener(el) for el in findall(
element=data, xpath=xpath, namespace=NS
def _to_listener(self, el):
listener = ALBListener(
listener_id=findtext(element=el, xpath='ListenerArn',
protocol=findtext(element=el, xpath='Protocol', namespace=NS),
port=int(findtext(element=el, xpath='Port', namespace=NS)),
action=findtext(element=el, xpath='DefaultActions/member/Type',
ssl_policy=findtext(element=el, xpath='SslPolicy', namespace=NS),
element=el, xpath='Certificates/member/CertificateArn',
listener._balancer_arn = findtext(element=el, xpath='LoadBalancerArn',
return listener
def _to_balancer(self, el):
balancer = LoadBalancer(
id=findtext(element=el, xpath='LoadBalancerArn', namespace=NS),
name=findtext(element=el, xpath='LoadBalancerName', namespace=NS),
ip=findtext(el, xpath='DNSName', namespace=NS),
balancer.extra = {
'listeners': self._ex_get_balancer_listeners(balancer),
'tags': self._ex_get_balancer_tags(balancer),
'vpc': findtext(el, xpath='VpcId', namespace=NS)
if len(balancer.extra['listeners']) > 0:
balancer.port = balancer.extra['listeners'][0].port
balancer.port = None
return balancer
def _to_balancers(self, data):
xpath = 'DescribeLoadBalancersResult/LoadBalancers/member'
return [self._to_balancer(el)
for el in findall(element=data, xpath=xpath, namespace=NS)]
def _to_tags(self, data):
return tags dict
tags = {}
xpath = 'DescribeTagsResult/TagDescriptions/member/Tags/member'
for el in findall(element=data, xpath=xpath, namespace=NS):
key = findtext(element=el, xpath='Key', namespace=NS)
value = findtext(element=el, xpath='Value', namespace=NS)
if key:
tags[key] = value
return tags
def _to_rule(self, el):
def __to_bool__(val):
return val.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "1")
conditions = {}
cond_members = findall(
element=el, xpath='Conditions/member', namespace=NS
for cond_member in cond_members:
field = findtext(element=cond_member, xpath='Field', namespace=NS)
conditions[field] = []
value_members = findall(
element=cond_member, xpath='Values/member', namespace=NS
for value_member in value_members:
rule = ALBRule(
rule_id=findtext(element=el, xpath='RuleArn', namespace=NS),
findtext(element=el, xpath='IsDefault', namespace=NS)
# CreateRule API method accepts only int for priority, however
# DescribeRules method returns 'default' string for default
# listener rule. So leaving it as string.
priority=findtext(element=el, xpath='Priority', namespace=NS),
rule._target_group_arn = findtext(
element=el, xpath='Actions/member/TargetGroupArn', namespace=NS
return rule
def _to_rules(self, data):
xpath = 'DescribeRulesResult/Rules/member'
return [self._to_rule(el)
for el in findall(element=data, xpath=xpath, namespace=NS)]
def _to_target_groups(self, data):
xpath = 'DescribeTargetGroupsResult/TargetGroups/member'
return [self._to_target_group(el)
for el in findall(element=data, xpath=xpath, namespace=NS)]
def _to_target_group(self, el):
target_group = ALBTargetGroup(
target_group_id=findtext(element=el, xpath='TargetGroupArn',
name=findtext(element=el, xpath='TargetGroupName', namespace=NS),
protocol=findtext(element=el, xpath='Protocol', namespace=NS),
port=int(findtext(element=el, xpath='Port', namespace=NS)),
vpc=findtext(element=el, xpath='VpcId', namespace=NS),
findtext(element=el, xpath='HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds',
health_check_port=findtext(element=el, xpath='HealthCheckPort',
health_check_path=findtext(element=el, xpath='HealthCheckPath',
element=el, xpath='HealthCheckIntervalSeconds', namespace=NS)
element=el, xpath='HealthyThresholdCount', namespace=NS)
lbs = findall(element=el, xpath='LoadBalancerArns/member',
target_group._balancers_arns = [lb_arn.text for lb_arn in lbs]
return target_group
def _to_target_group_members(self, data):
xpath = 'DescribeTargetHealthResult/TargetHealthDescriptions/member'
return [self._to_target_group_member(el)
for el in findall(element=data, xpath=xpath, namespace=NS)]
def _to_target_group_member(self, el):
member = Member(
id=findtext(element=el, xpath='Target/Id', namespace=NS),
port=findtext(element=el, xpath='Target/Port', namespace=NS),
'health': findtext(element=el, xpath='TargetHealth/State',
return member
def _ex_get_target_group_members(self, target_group):
Return a list of target group member dicts.
:param target_group: target group to fetch members for
:type target_group: :class:`ALBTargetGroup`
:return: list of target group members
:rtype: ``list`` of :class:`Member`
params = {
'Action': 'DescribeTargetHealth',
data = self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params).object
target_group_members = []
for tg_member in self._to_target_group_members(data):
tg_member.extra['target_group'] = target_group
return target_group_members
def _ex_get_balancer_listeners(self, balancer):
Return a list of listeners associated with load balancer.
:param balancer: Load balancer to fetch listeners for
:type balancer: :class:`LoadBalancer`
:return: list of listener objects
:rtype: ``list`` of :class:`ALBListener`
params = {
'Action': 'DescribeListeners',
data = self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params).object
return self._to_listeners(data)
def _ex_get_rules_for_listener(self, listener):
Get list of rules associated with listener.
:param listener: Listener object to fetch rules for
:type listener: :class:`ALBListener`
:return: List of rules
:rtype: ``list`` of :class:`ALBListener`
params = {
'Action': 'DescribeRules',
data = self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params).object
rules = self._to_rules(data)
for rule in rules:
rule.listener = listener
return rules
def _ex_get_balancer_tags(self, balancer):
Get a dict of load balancer tags.
:param balancer: Load balancer to fetch tags for
:type balancer: :class:`LoadBalancer`
:return: Dictionary of tags (name/value) for load balancer
:rtype: ``dict``
params = {
'Action': 'DescribeTags',
data = self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params).object
return self._to_tags(data)
def _ex_connection_class_kwargs(self):
pdriver = super(ApplicationLBDriver, self)
kwargs = pdriver._ex_connection_class_kwargs()
if hasattr(self, 'token') and self.token is not None:
kwargs['token'] = self.token
kwargs['signature_version'] = '4'
kwargs['signature_version'] = self.signature_version
return kwargs
# Commented out to avoid confusion. In AWS ALB relation between load balancer
# and target group/members is indirect. So it's better to go through full chain
# to obtain required object(s).
# Chain is: balancer->listener->rule->target group->member
# def balancer_list_members(self, balancer):
# """
# List memebers of load balancer
# :param balancer: LoadBalancer to list members for
# :type balancer: :class:`LoadBalancer`
# :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`Member`
# """
# return balancer.extra.get('members', [])
# def _ex_get_balancer_members(self, balancer):
# """
# Fetch members across all listeners/rules/target groups
# :param balancer: load balancer to fetch memebers for
# :type balancer: :class:`LoadBalancer`
# :return: list of load balancer members across all target groups
# :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`Member`
# """
# balancer_members = []
# for listener in balancer.extra.get('listeners', []):
# for rule in listener.rules:
# for tg_member in rule.target_group.memebers:
# tg_member.balancer = balancer
# tg_member.extra['target_group'] = rule.target_group
# balancer_members.append(tg_member)
# return balancer_members
# def _ex_get_balancer_target_groups(self, balancer):
# """
# Return a list of load balancer target groups.
# :param balancer: load balancer to fetch target groups for
# :type balancer: :class:`LoadBalancer`
# :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`ALBTargetGroup`
# """
# params = {
# 'Action': 'DescribeTargetGroups',
# 'LoadBalancerArn':
# }
# data = self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params).object
# return self._to_target_groups(data)
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