Mini Shell
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Ovh driver
from libcloud.utils.py3 import httplib
from import API_ROOT, OvhConnection
from libcloud.compute.base import (NodeDriver, NodeSize, Node, NodeLocation,
NodeImage, StorageVolume, VolumeSnapshot)
from libcloud.compute.types import (Provider, StorageVolumeState,
from libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack import OpenStackNodeDriver
from libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack import OpenStackKeyPair
class OvhNodeDriver(NodeDriver):
Libcloud driver for the Ovh API
For more information on the Ovh API, read the official reference:
type = Provider.OVH
name = "Ovh"
website = ''
connectionCls = OvhConnection
features = {'create_node': ['ssh_key']}
api_name = 'ovh'
def __init__(self, key, secret, ex_project_id, ex_consumer_key=None):
Instantiate the driver with the given API credentials.
:param key: Your application key (required)
:type key: ``str``
:param secret: Your application secret (required)
:type secret: ``str``
:param ex_project_id: Your project ID
:type ex_project_id: ``str``
:param ex_consumer_key: Your consumer key (required)
:type ex_consumer_key: ``str``
:rtype: ``None``
self.datacenter = None
self.project_id = ex_project_id
self.consumer_key = ex_consumer_key
NodeDriver.__init__(self, key, secret, ex_consumer_key=ex_consumer_key)
def _get_project_action(self, suffix):
base_url = '%s/cloud/project/%s/' % (API_ROOT, self.project_id)
return base_url + suffix
def list_nodes(self, location=None):
List all nodes.
:keyword location: Location (region) used as filter
:type location: :class:`NodeLocation`
:return: List of node objects
:rtype: ``list`` of :class:`Node`
action = self._get_project_action('instance')
data = {}
if location:
data['region'] =
response = self.connection.request(action, data=data)
return self._to_nodes(response.object)
def ex_get_node(self, node_id):
Get a individual node.
:keyword node_id: Node's ID
:type node_id: ``str``
:return: Created node
:rtype : :class:`Node`
action = self._get_project_action('instance/%s' % node_id)
response = self.connection.request(action, method='GET')
return self._to_node(response.object)
def create_node(self, name, image, size, location, ex_keyname=None):
Create a new node
:keyword name: Name of created node
:type name: ``str``
:keyword image: Image used for node
:type image: :class:`NodeImage`
:keyword size: Size (flavor) used for node
:type size: :class:`NodeSize`
:keyword location: Location (region) where to create node
:type location: :class:`NodeLocation`
:keyword ex_keyname: Name of SSH key used
:type ex_keyname: ``str``
:return: Created node
:rtype : :class:`Node`
action = self._get_project_action('instance')
data = {
'name': name,
if ex_keyname:
key_id = self.get_key_pair(ex_keyname, location).extra['id']
data['sshKeyId'] = key_id
response = self.connection.request(action, data=data, method='POST')
return self._to_node(response.object)
def destroy_node(self, node):
action = self._get_project_action('instance/%s' %
self.connection.request(action, method='DELETE')
return True
def list_sizes(self, location=None):
action = self._get_project_action('flavor')
params = {}
if location:
params['region'] =
response = self.connection.request(action, params=params)
return self._to_sizes(response.object)
def ex_get_size(self, size_id):
Get an individual size (flavor).
:keyword size_id: Size's ID
:type size_id: ``str``
:return: Size
:rtype: :class:`NodeSize`
action = self._get_project_action('flavor/%s' % size_id)
response = self.connection.request(action)
return self._to_size(response.object)
def list_images(self, location=None, ex_size=None):
List available images
:keyword location: Location (region) used as filter
:type location: :class:`NodeLocation`
:keyword ex_size: Exclude images which are uncompatible with given size
:type ex_size: :class:`NodeImage`
:return: List of images
:rtype : ``list`` of :class:`NodeImage`
action = self._get_project_action('image')
params = {}
if location:
params['region'] =
if ex_size:
params['flavorId'] =
response = self.connection.request(action, params=params)
return self._to_images(response.object)
def get_image(self, image_id):
action = self._get_project_action('image/%s' % image_id)
response = self.connection.request(action)
return self._to_image(response.object)
def list_locations(self):
action = self._get_project_action('region')
data = self.connection.request(action)
return self._to_locations(data.object)
def list_key_pairs(self, ex_location=None):
List available SSH public keys.
:keyword ex_location: Location (region) used as filter
:type ex_location: :class:`NodeLocation`
:return: Public keys
:rtype: ``list``of :class:`KeyPair`
action = self._get_project_action('sshkey')
params = {}
if ex_location:
params['region'] =
response = self.connection.request(action, params=params)
return self._to_key_pairs(response.object)
def get_key_pair(self, name, ex_location=None):
Get an individual SSH public key by its name and location.
:param name: Name of the key pair to retrieve.
:type name: ``str``
:keyword ex_location: Key's region
:type ex_location: :class:`NodeLocation`
:return: Public key
:rtype: :class:`KeyPair`
# Keys are indexed with ID
keys = [key for key in self.list_key_pairs(ex_location)
if == name]
if not keys:
raise Exception("No key named '%s'" % name)
return keys[0]
def import_key_pair_from_string(self, name, key_material, ex_location):
Import a new public key from string.
:param name: Key pair name.
:type name: ``str``
:param key_material: Public key material.
:type key_material: ``str``
:param ex_location: Location where to store the key
:type ex_location: :class:`NodeLocation`
:return: Imported key pair object.
:rtype: :class:`KeyPair`
action = self._get_project_action('sshkey')
data = {
'name': name,
'publicKey': key_material,
response = self.connection.request(action, data=data, method='POST')
return self._to_key_pair(response.object)
def delete_key_pair(self, key_pair):
action = self._get_project_action('sshkey/%s' % key_pair.extra['id'])
params = {'keyId': key_pair.extra['id']}
self.connection.request(action, params=params, method='DELETE')
return True
def create_volume(self, size, name, location, snapshot=None,
ex_volume_type='classic', ex_description=None):
Create a volume.
:param size: Size of volume to create (in GB).
:type size: ``int``
:param name: Name of volume to create
:type name: ``str``
:param location: Location to create the volume in
:type location: :class:`NodeLocation` or ``None``
:param snapshot: Snapshot from which to create the new
volume. (optional)
:type snapshot: :class:`.VolumeSnapshot`
:keyword ex_volume_type: ``'classic'`` or ``'high-speed'``
:type ex_volume_type: ``str``
:keyword ex_description: Optionnal description of volume
:type ex_description: str
:return: Storage Volume object
:rtype: :class:`StorageVolume`
action = self._get_project_action('volume')
data = {
'name': name,
'size': size,
'type': ex_volume_type,
if ex_description:
data['description'] = ex_description
response = self.connection.request(action, data=data, method='POST')
return self._to_volume(response.object)
def destroy_volume(self, volume):
action = self._get_project_action('volume/%s' %
self.connection.request(action, method='DELETE')
return True
def list_volumes(self, ex_location=None):
Return a list of volumes.
:keyword ex_location: Location used to filter
:type ex_location: :class:`NodeLocation` or ``None``
:return: A list of volume objects.
:rtype: ``list`` of :class:`StorageVolume`
action = self._get_project_action('volume')
data = {}
if ex_location:
data['region'] =
response = self.connection.request(action, data=data)
return self._to_volumes(response.object)
def ex_get_volume(self, volume_id):
Return a Volume object based on a volume ID.
:param volume_id: The ID of the volume
:type volume_id: ``int``
:return: A StorageVolume object for the volume
:rtype: :class:`StorageVolume`
action = self._get_project_action('volume/%s' % volume_id)
response = self.connection.request(action)
return self._to_volume(response.object)
def attach_volume(self, node, volume, device=None):
Attach a volume to a node.
:param node: Node where to attach volume
:type node: :class:`Node`
:param volume: The ID of the volume
:type volume: :class:`StorageVolume`
:param device: Unsed parameter
:return: True or False representing operation successful
:rtype: ``bool``
action = self._get_project_action('volume/%s/attach' %
data = {'instanceId':, 'volumeId':}
self.connection.request(action, data=data, method='POST')
return True
def detach_volume(self, volume, ex_node=None):
Detach a volume to a node.
:param volume: The ID of the volume
:type volume: :class:`StorageVolume`
:param ex_node: Node to detach from (optionnal if volume is attached
to only one node)
:type ex_node: :class:`Node`
:return: True or False representing operation successful
:rtype: ``bool``
:raises: Exception: If ``ex_node`` is not provided and more than one
node is attached to the volume
action = self._get_project_action('volume/%s/detach' %
if ex_node is None:
if len(volume.extra['attachedTo']) != 1:
err_msg = "Volume '%s' has more or less than one attached" \
"nodes, you must specify one."
raise Exception(err_msg)
ex_node = self.ex_get_node(volume.extra['attachedTo'][0])
data = {'instanceId':}
self.connection.request(action, data=data, method='POST')
return True
def ex_list_snapshots(self, location=None):
List all snapshots.
:keyword location: Location used to filter
:type location: :class:`NodeLocation` or ``None``
:rtype: ``list`` of :class:`VolumeSnapshot`
action = self._get_project_action('volume/snapshot')
params = {}
if location:
params['region'] =
response = self.connection.request(action, params=params)
return self._to_snapshots(response.object)
def ex_get_volume_snapshot(self, snapshot_id):
Returns a single volume snapshot.
:param snapshot_id: Node to run the task on.
:type snapshot_id: ``str``
:rtype :class:`.VolumeSnapshot`:
:return: Volume snapshot.
action = self._get_project_action('volume/snapshot/%s' % snapshot_id)
response = self.connection.request(action)
return self._to_snapshot(response.object)
def list_volume_snapshots(self, volume):
action = self._get_project_action('volume/snapshot')
params = {'region': volume.extra['region']}
response = self.connection.request(action, params=params)
snapshots = self._to_snapshots(response.object)
return [snap for snap in snapshots
if snap.extra['volume_id'] ==]
def create_volume_snapshot(self, volume, name=None, ex_description=None):
Create snapshot from volume
:param volume: Instance of `StorageVolume`
:type volume: `StorageVolume`
:param name: Name of snapshot (optional)
:type name: `str` | `NoneType`
:param ex_description: Description of the snapshot (optional)
:type ex_description: `str` | `NoneType`
:rtype: :class:`VolumeSnapshot`
action = self._get_project_action('volume/%s/snapshot/' %
data = {}
if name:
data['name'] = name
if ex_description:
data['description'] = ex_description
response = self.connection.request(action, data=data, method='POST')
return self._to_snapshot(response.object)
def destroy_volume_snapshot(self, snapshot):
action = self._get_project_action('volume/snapshot/%s' %
response = self.connection.request(action, method='DELETE')
return response.status == httplib.OK
def _to_volume(self, obj):
extra = obj.copy()
state = self.VOLUME_STATE_MAP.get(obj.pop('status', None),
return StorageVolume(id=obj['id'], name=obj['name'], size=obj['size'],
state=state, extra=extra, driver=self)
def _to_volumes(self, objs):
return [self._to_volume(obj) for obj in objs]
def _to_location(self, obj):
location = self.connectionCls.LOCATIONS[obj]
return NodeLocation(driver=self, **location)
def _to_locations(self, objs):
return [self._to_location(obj) for obj in objs]
def _to_node(self, obj):
extra = obj.copy()
if 'ipAddresses' in extra:
public_ips = [ip['ip'] for ip in extra['ipAddresses']]
del extra['id']
del extra['name']
return Node(id=obj['id'], name=obj['name'],
public_ips=public_ips, private_ips=[], driver=self,
def _to_nodes(self, objs):
return [self._to_node(obj) for obj in objs]
def _to_size(self, obj):
extra = {'vcpus': obj['vcpus'], 'type': obj['type'],
'region': obj['region']}
return NodeSize(id=obj['id'], name=obj['name'], ram=obj['ram'],
disk=obj['disk'], bandwidth=None, price=None,
driver=self, extra=extra)
def _to_sizes(self, objs):
return [self._to_size(obj) for obj in objs]
def _to_image(self, obj):
extra = {'region': obj['region'], 'visibility': obj['visibility']}
return NodeImage(id=obj['id'], name=obj['name'], driver=self,
def _to_images(self, objs):
return [self._to_image(obj) for obj in objs]
def _to_key_pair(self, obj):
extra = {'regions': obj['regions'], 'id': obj['id']}
return OpenStackKeyPair(name=obj['name'], public_key=obj['publicKey'],
driver=self, fingerprint=None, extra=extra)
def _to_key_pairs(self, objs):
return [self._to_key_pair(obj) for obj in objs]
def _to_snapshot(self, obj):
extra = {
'volume_id': obj['volumeId'],
'region': obj['region'],
'description': obj['description'],
'status': obj['status'],
state = self.SNAPSHOT_STATE_MAP.get(obj['status'],
snapshot = VolumeSnapshot(id=obj['id'], driver=self,
size=obj['size'], extra=extra,
created=obj['creationDate'], state=state,
return snapshot
def _to_snapshots(self, objs):
return [self._to_snapshot(obj) for obj in objs]
def _ex_connection_class_kwargs(self):
return {'ex_consumer_key': self.consumer_key}
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0