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Abiquo Utilities Module for the Abiquo Driver.
Common utilities needed by the :class:`AbiquoNodeDriver`.
import base64
from libcloud.common.base import ConnectionUserAndKey, PollingConnection
from libcloud.common.base import XmlResponse
from libcloud.common.types import InvalidCredsError, LibcloudError
from libcloud.utils.py3 import httplib
from libcloud.utils.py3 import urlparse
from libcloud.utils.py3 import b
from libcloud.compute.base import NodeState
def get_href(element, rel):
Search a RESTLink element in the :class:`AbiquoResponse`.
Abiquo, as a REST API, it offers self-discovering functionality.
That means that you could walk through the whole API only
navigating from the links offered by the entities.
This is a basic method to find the 'relations' of an entity searching into
its links.
For instance, a Rack entity serialized as XML as the following::
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<link href="http://host/api/admin/datacenters/1"
type="application/vnd.abiquo.datacenter+xml" rel="datacenter"/>
<link href="http://host/api/admin/datacenters/1/racks/1"
type="application/vnd.abiquo.rack+xml" rel="edit"/>
<link href="http://host/api/admin/datacenters/1/racks/1/machines"
type="application/vnd.abiquo.machines+xml" rel="machines"/>
offers link to datacenters (rel='datacenter'), to itself (rel='edit') and
to the machines defined in it (rel='machines')
A call to this method with the 'rack' element using 'datacenter' as 'rel'
will return:
:type element: :class:`xml.etree.ElementTree`
:param element: Xml Entity returned by Abiquo API (required)
:type rel: ``str``
:param rel: relation link name
:rtype: ``str``
:return: the 'href' value according to the 'rel' input parameter
links = element.findall('link')
for link in links:
if link.attrib['rel'] == rel:
href = link.attrib['href']
# href is something like:
# 'http://localhost:80/api/admin/enterprises'
# we are only interested in '/admin/enterprises/' part
needle = '/api/'
url_path = urlparse.urlparse(href).path
index = url_path.find(needle)
result = url_path[index + len(needle) - 1:]
return result
class AbiquoResponse(XmlResponse):
Abiquo XML Response.
Wraps the response in XML bodies or extract the error data in
case of error.
# Map between abiquo state and Libcloud State
'ON': NodeState.RUNNING,
'OFF': NodeState.PENDING,
def parse_error(self):
Parse the error messages.
Response body can easily be handled by this class parent
:class:`XmlResponse`, but there are use cases which Abiquo API
does not respond an XML but an HTML. So we need to
handle these special cases.
if self.status == httplib.UNAUTHORIZED:
raise InvalidCredsError(driver=self.connection.driver)
elif self.status == httplib.FORBIDDEN:
raise ForbiddenError(self.connection.driver)
elif self.status == httplib.NOT_ACCEPTABLE:
raise LibcloudError('Not Acceptable')
parsebody = self.parse_body()
if parsebody is not None and hasattr(parsebody, 'findall'):
errors = self.parse_body().findall('error')
# Most of the exceptions only have one error
raise LibcloudError(errors[0].findtext('message'))
raise LibcloudError(self.body)
def success(self):
Determine if the request was successful.
Any of the 2XX HTTP response codes are accepted as successful requests
:rtype: ``bool``
:return: successful request or not.
return self.status in [httplib.OK, httplib.CREATED, httplib.NO_CONTENT,
def async_success(self):
Determinate if async request was successful.
An async_request retrieves for a task object that can be successfully
retrieved (self.status == OK), but the asynchronous task (the body of
the HTTP response) which we are asking for has finished with an error.
So this method checks if the status code is 'OK' and if the task
has finished successfully.
:rtype: ``bool``
:return: successful asynchronous request or not
if self.success():
# So we have a 'task' object in the body
task = self.parse_body()
return task.findtext('state') == 'FINISHED_SUCCESSFULLY'
return False
class AbiquoConnection(ConnectionUserAndKey, PollingConnection):
A Connection to Abiquo API.
Basic :class:`ConnectionUserAndKey` connection with
:class:`PollingConnection` features for asynchronous tasks.
responseCls = AbiquoResponse
def __init__(self, user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None,
url=None, timeout=None,
retry_delay=None, backoff=None, proxy_url=None):
super(AbiquoConnection, self).__init__(user_id=user_id, key=key,
host=host, port=port,
url=url, timeout=timeout,
# This attribute stores data cached across multiple request
self.cache = {}
def add_default_headers(self, headers):
Add Basic Authentication header to all the requests.
It injects the 'Authorization: Basic Base64String===' header
in each request
:type headers: ``dict``
:param headers: Default input headers
:rtype: ``dict``
:return: Default input headers with the 'Authorization'
b64string = b('%s:%s' % (self.user_id, self.key))
encoded = base64.b64encode(b64string).decode('utf-8')
authorization = 'Basic ' + encoded
headers['Authorization'] = authorization
return headers
def get_poll_request_kwargs(self, response, context, request_kwargs):
Manage polling request arguments.
Return keyword arguments which are passed to the
:class:`NodeDriver.request` method when polling for the job status. The
Abiquo Asynchronous Response returns and 'acceptedrequest' XmlElement
as the following::
<link href="http://uri/to/task" rel="status"/>
<message>You can follow the progress in the link</message>
We need to extract the href URI to poll.
:type response: :class:`xml.etree.ElementTree`
:keyword response: Object returned by poll request.
:type request_kwargs: ``dict``
:keyword request_kwargs: Default request arguments and headers
:rtype: ``dict``
:return: Modified keyword arguments
accepted_request_obj = response.object
link_poll = get_href(accepted_request_obj, 'status')
hdr_poll = {'Accept': 'application/vnd.abiquo.task+xml'}
# Override the 'action', 'method' and 'headers'
# keys of the previous dict
request_kwargs['action'] = link_poll
request_kwargs['method'] = 'GET'
request_kwargs['headers'] = hdr_poll
return request_kwargs
def has_completed(self, response):
Decide if the asynchronous job has ended.
:type response: :class:`xml.etree.ElementTree`
:param response: Response object returned by poll request
:rtype: ``bool``
:return: Whether the job has completed
task = response.object
task_state = task.findtext('state')
return task_state in ['FINISHED_SUCCESSFULLY', 'ABORTED',
class ForbiddenError(LibcloudError):
Exception used when credentials are ok but user has not permissions.
def __init__(self, driver):
message = 'User has not permission to perform this task.'
super(ForbiddenError, self).__init__(message, driver)
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0