Mini Shell
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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__all__ = [
from libcloud.utils.iso8601 import parse_date
from libcloud.backup.base import BackupDriver, BackupTargetRecoveryPoint,\
BackupTargetJob, BackupTarget
from libcloud.backup.types import BackupTargetType, BackupTargetJobStatusType
from import GoogleResponse, GoogleBaseConnection
class GCEResponse(GoogleResponse):
class GCEConnection(GoogleBaseConnection):
Connection class for the GCE driver.
GCEConnection extends :class:`google.GoogleBaseConnection` for 2 reasons:
1. modify request_path for GCE URI.
2. Implement gce_params functionality described below.
If the parameter gce_params is set to a dict prior to calling request(),
the URL parameters will be updated to include those key/values FOR A
SINGLE REQUEST. If the response contains a nextPageToken,
gce_params['pageToken'] will be set to its value. This can be used to
implement paging in list:
>>> params, more_results = {'maxResults': 2}, True
>>> while more_results:
... driver.connection.gce_params=params
... driver.ex_list_urlmaps()
... more_results = 'pageToken' in params
[<GCEUrlMap id="..." name="cli-map">, <GCEUrlMap id="..." name="lc-map">]
[<GCEUrlMap id="..." name="web-map">]
host = ''
responseCls = GCEResponse
def __init__(self, user_id, key, secure, auth_type=None,
credential_file=None, project=None, **kwargs):
super(GCEConnection, self).__init__(user_id, key, secure=secure,
self.request_path = '/compute/%s/projects/%s' % (API_VERSION,
self.gce_params = None
def pre_connect_hook(self, params, headers):
Update URL parameters with values from self.gce_params.
@inherits: :class:`GoogleBaseConnection.pre_connect_hook`
params, headers = super(GCEConnection, self).pre_connect_hook(params,
if self.gce_params:
return params, headers
def request(self, *args, **kwargs):
Perform request then do GCE-specific processing of URL params.
@inherits: :class:`GoogleBaseConnection.request`
response = super(GCEConnection, self).request(*args, **kwargs)
# If gce_params has been set, then update the pageToken with the
# nextPageToken so it can be used in the next request.
if self.gce_params:
if 'nextPageToken' in response.object:
self.gce_params['pageToken'] = response.object['nextPageToken']
elif 'pageToken' in self.gce_params:
del self.gce_params['pageToken']
self.gce_params = None
return response
class GCEBackupDriver(BackupDriver):
name = 'Google Compute Engine Backup Driver'
website = ''
connectionCls = GCEConnection
def __init__(self, user_id, key=None, project=None,
auth_type=None, scopes=None, credential_file=None, **kwargs):
:param user_id: The email address (for service accounts) or Client ID
(for installed apps) to be used for authentication.
:type user_id: ``str``
:param key: The RSA Key (for service accounts) or file path containing
key or Client Secret (for installed apps) to be used for
:type key: ``str``
:keyword project: Your GCE project name. (required)
:type project: ``str``
:keyword auth_type: Accepted values are "SA" or "IA" or "GCE"
("Service Account" or "Installed Application" or
"GCE" if libcloud is being used on a GCE instance
with service account enabled).
If not supplied, auth_type will be guessed based
on value of user_id or if the code is being
executed in a GCE instance.
:type auth_type: ``str``
:keyword scopes: List of authorization URLs. Default is empty and
grants read/write to Compute, Storage, DNS.
:type scopes: ``list``
:keyword credential_file: Path to file for caching authentication
information used by GCEConnection.
:type credential_file: ``str``
if not project:
raise ValueError('Project name must be specified using '
'"project" keyword.')
self.auth_type = auth_type
self.project = project
self.scopes = scopes
self.credential_file = credential_file or \
'~/.gce_libcloud_auth' + '.' + self.project
super(GCEBackupDriver, self).__init__(user_id, key, **kwargs)
# Cache Zone and Region information to reduce API calls and
# increase speed
self.base_path = '/compute/%s/projects/%s' % (API_VERSION,
def get_supported_target_types(self):
Get a list of backup target types this driver supports
:return: ``list`` of :class:``BackupTargetType``
return [BackupTargetType.VOLUME]
def list_targets(self):
List all backuptargets
:rtype: ``list`` of :class:`BackupTarget`
raise NotImplementedError(
'list_targets not implemented for this driver')
def create_target(self, name, address,
type=BackupTargetType.VOLUME, extra=None):
Creates a new backup target
:param name: Name of the target
:type name: ``str``
:param address: The volume ID.
:type address: ``str``
:param type: Backup target type (Physical, Virtual, ...).
:type type: :class:`BackupTargetType`
:param extra: (optional) Extra attributes (driver specific).
:type extra: ``dict``
:rtype: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
# Does nothing since any volume can be snapped at anytime.
return self.ex_get_target_by_source(address)
def create_target_from_node(self, node, type=BackupTargetType.VIRTUAL,
Creates a new backup target from an existing node
:param node: The Node to backup
:type node: ``Node``
:param type: Backup target type (Physical, Virtual, ...).
:type type: :class:`BackupTargetType`
:param extra: (optional) Extra attributes (driver specific).
:type extra: ``dict``
:rtype: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
# Get the first persistent disk
disks = node.extra['disks']
if disks is not None:
return self.create_target(,
raise RuntimeError("Node does not have any block devices")
def create_target_from_container(self, container,
Creates a new backup target from an existing storage container
:param node: The Container to backup
:type node: ``Container``
:param type: Backup target type (Physical, Virtual, ...).
:type type: :class:`BackupTargetType`
:param extra: (optional) Extra attributes (driver specific).
:type extra: ``dict``
:rtype: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
raise NotImplementedError(
'create_target_from_container not implemented for this driver')
def update_target(self, target, name, address, extra):
Update the properties of a backup target
:param target: Backup target to update
:type target: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
:param name: Name of the target
:type name: ``str``
:param address: Hostname, FQDN, IP, file path etc.
:type address: ``str``
:param extra: (optional) Extra attributes (driver specific).
:type extra: ``dict``
:rtype: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
# Does nothing since any volume can be snapped at anytime.
return self.ex_get_target_by_source(address)
def delete_target(self, target):
Delete a backup target
:param target: Backup target to delete
:type target: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
raise NotImplementedError(
'delete_target not implemented for this driver')
def list_recovery_points(self, target, start_date=None, end_date=None):
List the recovery points available for a target
:param target: Backup target to delete
:type target: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
:param start_date: The start date to show jobs between (optional)
:type start_date: :class:`datetime.datetime`
:param end_date: The end date to show jobs between (optional)
:type end_date: :class:`datetime.datetime``
:rtype: ``list`` of :class:`BackupTargetRecoveryPoint`
request = '/global/snapshots'
response = self.connection.request(request, method='GET').object
return self._to_recovery_points(response, target)
def recover_target(self, target, recovery_point, path=None):
Recover a backup target to a recovery point
:param target: Backup target to delete
:type target: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
:param recovery_point: Backup target with the backup data
:type recovery_point: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
:param path: The part of the recovery point to recover (optional)
:type path: ``str``
:rtype: Instance of :class:`BackupTargetJob`
raise NotImplementedError(
'recover_target not implemented for this driver')
def recover_target_out_of_place(self, target, recovery_point,
recovery_target, path=None):
Recover a backup target to a recovery point out-of-place
:param target: Backup target with the backup data
:type target: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
:param recovery_point: Backup target with the backup data
:type recovery_point: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
:param recovery_target: Backup target with to recover the data to
:type recovery_target: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
:param path: The part of the recovery point to recover (optional)
:type path: ``str``
:rtype: Instance of :class:`BackupTargetJob`
raise NotImplementedError(
'recover_target_out_of_place not implemented for this driver')
def get_target_job(self, target, id):
Get a specific backup job by ID
:param target: Backup target with the backup data
:type target: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
:param id: Backup target with the backup data
:type id: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
:rtype: :class:`BackupTargetJob`
jobs = self.list_target_jobs(target)
return list(filter(lambda x: == id, jobs))[0]
def list_target_jobs(self, target):
List the backup jobs on a target
:param target: Backup target with the backup data
:type target: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
:rtype: ``list`` of :class:`BackupTargetJob`
return []
def create_target_job(self, target, extra=None):
Create a new backup job on a target
:param target: Backup target with the backup data
:type target: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
:param extra: (optional) Extra attributes (driver specific).
:type extra: ``dict``
:rtype: Instance of :class:`BackupTargetJob`
name =
request = '/zones/%s/disks/%s/createSnapshot' % (
snapshot_data = {
'source': target.extra['source']
self.connection.async_request(request, method='POST',
return self._to_job(self.ex_get_snapshot(name), target)
def resume_target_job(self, target, job):
Resume a suspended backup job on a target
:param target: Backup target with the backup data
:type target: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
:param job: Backup target job to resume
:type job: Instance of :class:`BackupTargetJob`
:rtype: ``bool``
raise NotImplementedError(
'resume_target_job not supported for this driver')
def suspend_target_job(self, target, job):
Suspend a running backup job on a target
:param target: Backup target with the backup data
:type target: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
:param job: Backup target job to suspend
:type job: Instance of :class:`BackupTargetJob`
:rtype: ``bool``
raise NotImplementedError(
'suspend_target_job not supported for this driver')
def cancel_target_job(self, target, job):
Cancel a backup job on a target
:param target: Backup target with the backup data
:type target: Instance of :class:`BackupTarget`
:param job: Backup target job to cancel
:type job: Instance of :class:`BackupTargetJob`
:rtype: ``bool``
raise NotImplementedError(
'cancel_target_job not supported for this driver')
def _to_recovery_points(self, data, target):
return [self._to_recovery_point(item, target)
for item in data.items]
def _to_recovery_point(self, item, target):
id =
date = parse_date(item.creationTimestamp)
point = BackupTargetRecoveryPoint(
'snapshot-id': id,
return point
def _to_jobs(self, data, target):
return [self._to_job(item, target)
for item in data.items]
def _to_job(self, item, target):
id =
job = BackupTargetJob(
return job
def ex_get_snapshot(self, name):
request = '/global/snapshots/%s' % (name)
response = self.connection.request(request, method='GET').object
return response
def ex_get_target_by_source(self, source):
return BackupTarget(
"source": source
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