Mini Shell
# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
# vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 noet :
# This file is part of Fail2Ban.
# Fail2Ban is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fail2Ban is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Fail2Ban; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
__author__ = "Alexander Koeppe"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2016 Cyril Jaquier, 2011-2013 Yaroslav Halchenko"
__license__ = "GPL"
import unittest
from ..client.beautifier import Beautifier
from ..version import version
from ..server.ipdns import IPAddr
from ..exceptions import UnknownJailException, DuplicateJailException
class BeautifierTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
""" Call before every test case """
super(BeautifierTest, self).setUp()
self.b = Beautifier()
def tearDown(self):
""" Call after every test case """
super(BeautifierTest, self).tearDown()
def testGetInputCmd(self):
cmd = ["test"]
self.assertEqual(self.b.getInputCmd(), cmd)
def testPing(self):
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify("pong"), "Server replied: pong")
def testVersion(self):
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify(version), version)
def testAddJail(self):
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify("ssh"), "Added jail ssh")
def testStartJail(self):
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify(None), "Jail started")
def testStopJail(self):
self.b.setInputCmd(["stop", "ssh"])
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify(None), "Jail stopped")
def testShutdown(self):
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify(None), "Shutdown successful")
def testStatus(self):
response = (("Number of jails", 0), ("Jail list", ["ssh", "exim4"]))
output = "Status\n|- Number of jails:\t0\n`- Jail list:\tssh exim4"
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify(response), output)
self.b.setInputCmd(["status", "ssh"])
response = (
("Filter", [
("Currently failed", 0),
("Total failed", 0),
("File list", "/var/log/auth.log")
("Actions", [
("Currently banned", 3),
("Total banned", 3),
("Banned IP list", [
output = "Status for the jail: ssh\n"
output += "|- Filter\n"
output += "| |- Currently failed: 0\n"
output += "| |- Total failed: 0\n"
output += "| `- File list: /var/log/auth.log\n"
output += "`- Actions\n"
output += " |- Currently banned: 3\n"
output += " |- Total banned: 3\n"
output += " `- Banned IP list: 2001:db8::1"
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify(response), output)
def testFlushLogs(self):
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify("rolled over"), "logs: rolled over")
def testSyslogSocket(self):
self.b.setInputCmd(["get", "syslogsocket"])
output = "Current syslog socket is:\n`- auto"
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify("auto"), output)
def testLogTarget(self):
self.b.setInputCmd(["get", "logtarget"])
output = "Current logging target is:\n`- /var/log/fail2ban.log"
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify("/var/log/fail2ban.log"), output)
def testLogLevel(self):
self.b.setInputCmd(["get", "loglevel"])
output = "Current logging level is 'INFO'"
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify("INFO"), output)
def testDbFile(self):
self.b.setInputCmd(["get", "dbfile"])
response = "/var/lib/fail2ban/fail2ban.sqlite3"
output = "Current database file is:\n`- " + response
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify(response), output)
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify(None), "Database currently disabled")
def testDbPurgeAge(self):
self.b.setInputCmd(["get", "dbpurgeage"])
output = "Current database purge age is:\n`- 86400seconds"
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify(86400), output)
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify(None), "Database currently disabled")
def testLogPath(self):
self.b.setInputCmd(["get", "sshd", "logpath"])
response = []
output = "No file is currently monitored"
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify(response), output)
response = ["/var/log/auth.log"]
output = "Current monitored log file(s):\n`- /var/log/auth.log"
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify(response), output)
self.b.setInputCmd(["set", "sshd", "addlogpath", "/var/log/messages"])
response = ["/var/log/messages", "/var/log/auth.log"]
outputadd = "Current monitored log file(s):\n"
outputadd += "|- /var/log/messages\n`- /var/log/auth.log"
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify(response), outputadd)
self.b.setInputCmd(["set", "sshd", "dellogpath", "/var/log/messages"])
response = ["/var/log/auth.log"]
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify(response), output)
def testLogEncoding(self):
self.b.setInputCmd(["get", "sshd", "logencoding"])
output = "Current log encoding is set to:\nUTF-8"
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify("UTF-8"), output)
def testJournalMatch(self):
self.b.setInputCmd(["get", "sshd", "journalmatch"])
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify([]), "No journal match filter set")
self.b.setInputCmd(["set", "sshd", "addjournalmatch"])
response = [["_SYSTEMD_UNIT", "sshd.service"]]
output = "Current match filter:\n"
output += "_SYSTEMD_UNIT sshd.service"
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify(response), output)
response.append(["_COMM", "sshd"])
output += " + _COMM sshd"
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify(response), output)
self.b.setInputCmd(["set", "sshd", "deljournalmatch"])
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify(response), output.split(" + ")[0])
def testDatePattern(self):
self.b.setInputCmd(["get", "sshd", "datepattern"])
output = "Current date pattern set to: "
response = (None, "Default Detectors")
output + "Not set/required")
output + "Default Detectors")
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify(("test", "test")),
output + "test (test)")
def testIgnoreIP(self):
self.b.setInputCmd(["get", "sshd", "ignoreip"])
output = "No IP address/network is ignored"
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify([]), output)
self.b.setInputCmd(["set", "sshd", "addignoreip"])
response = [
IPAddr("", 8),
IPAddr("2001:db8::", 32),
output = "These IP addresses/networks are ignored:\n"
output += "|-\n"
output += "|- ::1\n"
output += "|- 2001:db8::/32\n"
output += "`-"
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify(response), output)
def testFailRegex(self):
self.b.setInputCmd(["get", "sshd", "failregex"])
output = "No regular expression is defined"
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify([]), output)
output = "The following regular expression are defined:\n"
output += "|- [0]: ^$\n`- [1]: .*"
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify(["^$", ".*"]), output)
def testActions(self):
self.b.setInputCmd(["get", "sshd", "actions"])
output = "No actions for jail sshd"
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify([]), output)
output = "The jail sshd has the following actions:\n"
output += "iptables-multiport"
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify(["iptables-multiport"]), output)
def testActionProperties(self):
self.b.setInputCmd(["get", "sshd", "actionproperties", "iptables"])
output = "No properties for jail sshd action iptables"
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify([]), output)
output = "The jail sshd action iptables has the following properties:"
output += "\nactionban, actionunban"
response = ("actionban", "actionunban")
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify(response), output)
def testActionMethods(self):
self.b.setInputCmd(["get", "sshd", "actionmethods", "iptables"])
output = "No methods for jail sshd action iptables"
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify([]), output)
output = "The jail sshd action iptables has the following methods:\n"
output += "ban, unban"
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautify(["ban", "unban"]), output)
# def testException(self):
# self.b.setInputCmd(["get", "sshd", "logpath"])
# self.assertRaises(self.b.beautify(1), TypeError)
def testBeautifyError(self):
response = UnknownJailException("sshd")
output = "Sorry but the jail 'sshd' does not exist"
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautifyError(response), output)
response = DuplicateJailException("sshd")
output = "The jail 'sshd' already exists"
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautifyError(response), output)
output = "Sorry but the command is invalid"
self.assertEqual(self.b.beautifyError(IndexError()), output)
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0