Mini Shell
# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
# vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 noet :
# This file is part of Fail2Ban.
# Fail2Ban is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fail2Ban is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Fail2Ban; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
__author__ = "Cyril Jaquier"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2004 Cyril Jaquier"
__license__ = "GPL"
import datetime
import re
import time
# MyTime class.
class MyTime:
"""A wrapper around time module primarily for testing purposes
This class is a wrapper around time.time() and time.gmtime(). When
performing unit test, it is very useful to get a fixed value from
these functions. Thus, time.time() and time.gmtime() should never
be called directly. This wrapper should be called instead. The API
are equivalent.
myTime = None
alternateNowTime = None
alternateNow = None
def setAlternateNow(t):
"""Set current time.
Use None in order to always get the real current time.
@param t the time to set or None
MyTime.alternateNowTime = t
MyTime.alternateNow = \
datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t) if t is not None else None
def setTime(t):
"""Set current time.
Use None in order to always get the real current time.
@param t the time to set or None
MyTime.myTime = t
def time():
"""Decorate time.time() for the purpose of testing mocking
@return time.time() if setTime was called with None
if MyTime.myTime is None:
return time.time()
return MyTime.myTime
def gmtime():
"""Decorate time.gmtime() for the purpose of testing mocking
@return time.gmtime() if setTime was called with None
if MyTime.myTime is None:
return time.gmtime()
return time.gmtime(MyTime.myTime)
def now():
"""Decorate for the purpose of testing mocking
@return if setTime was called with None
if MyTime.myTime is None:
if MyTime.myTime == MyTime.alternateNowTime:
return MyTime.alternateNow
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(MyTime.myTime)
def localtime(x=None):
"""Decorate time.localtime() for the purpose of testing mocking
@return time.localtime() if setTime was called with None
if MyTime.myTime is None or x is not None:
return time.localtime(x)
return time.localtime(MyTime.myTime)
def time2str(unixTime, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"):
"""Convert time to a string representing as date and time using given format.
Default format is ISO 8601, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS without microseconds.
@return ISO-capable string representation of given unixTime
# consider end of 9999th year (in GMT+23 to avoid year overflow in other TZ)
dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
) if unixTime < 253402214400 else datetime.datetime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59)
return dt.strftime(format)
## precreate/precompile primitives used in str2seconds:
## preparing expression:
_str2sec_prep = re.compile(r"(?i)(?<=[a-z])(\d)")
## finally expression:
_str2sec_fini = re.compile(r"(\d)\s+(\d)")
## wrapper for each sub part:
_str2sec_subpart = r"(?i)(?<=[\d\s])(%s)\b"
## parts to be replaced - pair of (regexp x replacement):
_str2sec_parts = (
(re.compile(_str2sec_subpart % r"days?|da|dd?"), "*"+str(24*60*60)),
(re.compile(_str2sec_subpart % r"weeks?|wee?|ww?"), "*"+str(7*24*60*60)),
(re.compile(_str2sec_subpart % r"months?|mon?"), "*"+str((365*3+366)*24*60*60/4/12)),
(re.compile(_str2sec_subpart % r"years?|yea?|yy?"), "*"+str((365*3+366)*24*60*60/4)),
(re.compile(_str2sec_subpart % r"seconds?|sec?|ss?"), "*"+str(1)),
(re.compile(_str2sec_subpart % r"minutes?|min?|mm?"), "*"+str(60)),
(re.compile(_str2sec_subpart % r"hours?|hou?|hh?"), "*"+str(60*60)),
def str2seconds(val):
"""Wraps string expression like "1h 2m 3s" into number contains seconds (3723).
The string expression will be evaluated as mathematical expression, spaces between each groups
will be wrapped to "+" operand (only if any operand does not specified between).
Because of case insensitivity and overwriting with minutes ("m" or "mm"), the short replacement for month
are "mo" or "mon".
Ex: 1hour+30min = 5400
0d 1h 30m = 5400
1year-6mo = 15778800
6 months = 15778800
warn: month is not 30 days, it is a year in seconds / 12, the leap years will be respected also:
>>>> float(str2seconds("1month")) / 60 / 60 / 24
>>>> float(str2seconds("1year")) / 60 / 60 / 24
@returns number (calculated seconds from expression "val")
if isinstance(val, (int, float, complex)):
return val
# replace together standing abbreviations, example '1d12h' -> '1d 12h':
val = MyTime._str2sec_prep.sub(r" \1", val)
# replace abbreviation with expression:
for rexp, rpl in MyTime._str2sec_parts:
val = rexp.sub(rpl, val)
val = MyTime._str2sec_fini.sub(r"\1+\2", val)
return eval(val)
class seconds2str():
"""Converts seconds to string on demand (if string representation needed).
Ex: seconds2str(86400*390) = 1y 3w 4d
seconds2str(86400*368) = 1y 3d
seconds2str(86400*365.5) = 1y
seconds2str(86400*2+3600*7+60*15) = 2d 7h 15m
seconds2str(86400*2+3599) = 2d 1h
seconds2str(3600-5) = 1h
seconds2str(3600-10) = 59m 50s
seconds2str(59) = 59s
def __init__(self, sec):
self.sec = sec
def __str__(self):
# s = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(self.sec)))
# return s if s[-3:] != ":00" else s[:-3]
s = self.sec; c = 3
# automatic accuracy: round by large values (and maximally 3 groups)
if s >= 31536000: # a year as 365*24*60*60 (don't need to consider leap year by this accuracy)
s = int(round(float(s)/86400)) # round by a day
r = str(s//365) + 'y '; s %= 365
if s >= 7:
r += str(s//7) + 'w '; s %= 7
if s:
r += str(s) + 'd '
return r[:-1]
if s >= 604800: # a week as 24*60*60*7
s = int(round(float(s)/3600)) # round by a hour
r = str(s//168) + 'w '; s %= 168
if s >= 24:
r += str(s//24) + 'd '; s %= 24
if s:
r += str(s) + 'h '
return r[:-1]
if s >= 86400: # a day as 24*60*60
s = int(round(float(s)/60)) # round by a minute
r = str(s//1440) + 'd '; s %= 1440
if s >= 60:
r += str(s//60) + 'h '; s %= 60
if s:
r += str(s) + 'm '
return r[:-1]
if s >= 3595: # a hour as 60*60 (- 5 seconds)
s = int(round(float(s)/10)) # round by 10 seconds
r = str(s//360) + 'h '; s %= 360
if s >= 6: # a minute
r += str(s//6) + 'm '; s %= 6
return r[:-1]
r = ''
if s >= 60: # a minute
r += str(s//60) + 'm '; s %= 60
if s: # remaining seconds
r += str(s) + 's '
elif not self.sec: # 0s
r = '0 '
return r[:-1]
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0