Mini Shell
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright © Cloud Linux GmbH & Cloud Linux Software, Inc 2010-2023 All Rights Reserved
import typing
import dataclasses
from pathlib import Path
from logging import Logger
from datetime import timedelta
from dataclasses import dataclass
from collections import ChainMap
from typing import Any, Generator, TypedDict, Mapping, Self, NamedTuple, Iterable, NotRequired
import sqlalchemy as sa
from ._logs import logger
# TODO(vlebedev): Extract from package metadata instead of hardcoding?
CONFIG_FILE = Path('/etc/sysconfig/lvestats.config/LveLimitsBurster.cfg')
FEATURE_FLAG_FILE = Path('/opt/cloudlinux/flags/enabled-flags.d/burstable-limits.flag')
class PluginConfig(TypedDict):
bursting_enabled: NotRequired[str]
server_id: NotRequired[str]
bursting_quota_sec: str
bursting_quota_window_sec: str
bursting_idle_time_threshold: str
bursting_cpu_multiplier: str
bursting_io_multiplier: str
bursting_database_dump_period_sec: str
bursting_idle_time_samples_num: str
bursting_debug_mode: NotRequired[str]
_all_burster_plugin_config_keys = frozenset(PluginConfig.__annotations__.keys())
class Config:
server_id: str
bursting_quota: timedelta
bursting_quota_window: timedelta
bursting_cpu_multiplier: float
bursting_io_multiplier: float
idle_time_threshold: float
db_dump_period: timedelta
idle_time_samples: int
fail_fast: bool = True
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
if self.bursting_quota > self.bursting_quota_window:
raise ValueError('Bursting quota must be less than or equal to bursting quota window!')
_all_config_keys = frozenset( for f in dataclasses.fields(Config))
def is_bursting_enabled(config_file=CONFIG_FILE) -> bool:
raw_config = read_raw_config(config_file)
except FileNotFoundError:
return False
raw_key = 'bursting_enabled'
assert raw_key in _all_burster_plugin_config_keys
raw_value = raw_config[raw_key]
except KeyError:
return False
return get_boolean(raw_value)
except ValueError:
return False
def is_bursting_supported(feature_flag_file: Path = FEATURE_FLAG_FILE) -> bool:
# NOTE(vlebedev): These imports requires some shared library to be present in order to succeed,
# so deffer it until it's really needed to make unittests writing/running easier.
from clcommon.utils import get_cl_version, is_ubuntu # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from clcommon.cpapi import Feature, is_panel_feature_supported # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
if not is_panel_feature_supported(Feature.LVE):
return False
if is_ubuntu():
return False
cl_version = get_cl_version()
if cl_version is None:
return False
if int(cl_version.removeprefix('cl').removesuffix('h')) < 8:
return False
except ValueError:
return False
return feature_flag_file.exists()
def _identity(raw_value: str) -> str:
return raw_value
def get_boolean(raw_value: str) -> bool:
value = raw_value.lower()
if value not in {'true', 'false'}:
raise ValueError(f'Unexpected value: {value}')
return value == 'true'
def _get_timedelta_from_seconds(raw_value: str) -> timedelta:
seconds = int(raw_value)
return timedelta(seconds=seconds)
_raw_key_to_spec = {
'bursting_enabled': ('enabled', get_boolean),
'server_id': ('server_id', _identity),
'bursting_debug_mode': ('fail_fast', get_boolean),
'bursting_quota_sec': ('bursting_quota', _get_timedelta_from_seconds),
'bursting_quota_window_sec': ('bursting_quota_window', _get_timedelta_from_seconds),
'bursting_cpu_multiplier': ('bursting_cpu_multiplier', float),
'bursting_io_multiplier': ('bursting_io_multiplier', float),
'bursting_idle_time_threshold': ('idle_time_threshold', float),
'bursting_database_dump_period_sec': ('db_dump_period', _get_timedelta_from_seconds),
'bursting_idle_time_samples_num': ('idle_time_samples', int),
_config_to_raw_key = {v[0]: k for k, v in _raw_key_to_spec.items()}
assert _raw_key_to_spec.keys() == _all_burster_plugin_config_keys
assert {k for k, _ in _raw_key_to_spec.values()}.issuperset(_all_config_keys)
def _process_raw_config(raw_config: Mapping[str, str]) -> dict[str, Any]:
cfg_key_to_parsed_value, errors_by_cfg_key = {}, {}
for config_key, raw_value in raw_config.items():
_, extractor = _raw_key_to_spec[config_key]
except KeyError:
# NOTE(vlebedev): Currently config dict contains all the keys from _all_ .cfg files parsed by
# lvestats. So there is no point as report fields not present in `Confg` typing
# as "unknown" or something like that - they might well belong to some other plugin =/
# errors_by_cfg_key[config_key] = f'Unknown config key'
value = extractor(raw_value)
except ValueError as e:
errors_by_cfg_key[config_key] = str(e)
cfg_key_to_parsed_value[config_key] = value
if len(errors_by_cfg_key) > 0:
"Failed to parse some config keys: \n%s",
"\n".join(f"* {k}: {e}" for k, e in errors_by_cfg_key.items()),
result = {_raw_key_to_spec[k][0]: v for k, v in cfg_key_to_parsed_value.items()}
return result
class MissingKeysInRawConfig(ValueError):
def __init__(self, missing_raw_keys: Iterable[str]) -> None:
missing_raw_keys = frozenset(missing_raw_keys)
msg = "Missing config keys: " + ", ".join(missing_raw_keys) + "!"
super().__init__(msg, missing_raw_keys)
def missing_raw_keys(self) -> frozenset[str]:
return typing.cast(frozenset[str], self.args[1])
class ConfigUpdate(NamedTuple):
def from_plugin_config(cls, config: PluginConfig) -> Self:
assert all(isinstance(v, str) for v in config.values())
external_params = _process_raw_config(typing.cast(Mapping[str, str], config))
default_params = {
'enabled': False,
'server_id': 'localhost',
'fail_fast': False,
if (defaults_used := default_params.keys() - external_params.keys()):'Using default values for: %s', defaults_used)
params = ChainMap(external_params, default_params)
missing_config_keys = _all_config_keys - params.keys()
if missing_config_keys:
raise MissingKeysInRawConfig(_config_to_raw_key[k] for k in missing_config_keys)
return cls(
config=Config(**{k: params[k] for k in _all_config_keys})
enabled: bool
config: Config
class StartupParams(NamedTuple):
def wait(cls) -> Generator[None, ConfigUpdate | sa.engine.Engine, Self]:
required_keys = frozenset(cls._fields)
result = {}
enabled = False
while enabled is False or result.keys() != required_keys:
match (yield):
case sa.engine.Engine() as engine:
result['engine'] = engine
case ConfigUpdate(enabled=enabled, config=config):
result['config'] = config
return cls(**result)
engine: sa.engine.Engine
config: Config
def read_raw_config(file: Path = CONFIG_FILE, _logger: Logger = logger) -> Mapping[str, str]:
result = {}
for line in file.read_text(encoding='utf-8').splitlines():
key, value = line.split('=', maxsplit=1)
except ValueError:
_logger.warning('Failed to parse config line: %s', line)
if key in result:
_logger.warning('Duplicate key %s - latest value will be used', key)
result[key] = value
return result
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0